Number of people in A&E department
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
Average time in the department

The text to display above the sitemap.
- Home
- Coming to Hospital
Services and Departments
- Maternity
- Audiology
- Cardiology
- Rheumatology
- Gastroenterology
- Renal Haemodialysis
- Dermatology
- Elderly care
- Cancer
- Respiratory
- Urology
- Surgery
- Gynaecology
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics
- Wheelchair Clinic
- Orthotics
- Mortuary
- Bereavement Office
- Radiology
- Fracture Liaison Service
- Ophthalmology
- Stroke
- Paediatrics
- Endoscopy
- Trauma and Orthopaedics
- Orthoptics
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
- Pain Management
- Fertility Clinic
- Medical Physics and Nuclear Medicine
- Emergency Department (A&E)
- Pharmacy
- Palliative Care
- Occupational Therapy
- Neurology and Neuro-Rehablitation
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Private Healthcare
- Call 4 Concern
- Diabetes and Endocrinology
- Blood Tests
- Haematology
- Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
- Sexual Health
- Medical Examiner Service
Wards and Units
- Acute Medical Unit
- Acute Stroke Unit
- Adelaide Ward
- Adult Day Surgery Unit
- Albert Ward
- Deep Vein Thrombosis Clinic
- Battle Day Unit
- Benyon Haemodialysis Unit
- Bracknell Dialysis Unit
- Burghfield Ward
- Cardiac Care Unit
- Castle Ward
- Caversham Ward
- Chesterman Unit
- Maternity Assessment Unit
- Discharge Lounge
- Dolphin and Lion Ward
- Dorrell Ward
- Emergency Gynaecology Unit
- Emmer Green Ward
- Enborne Dialysis Unit
- Eye Day Unit
- General Surgical Unit
- Greenlands Admission Suite
- Hopkins Ward
- Huntley and Palmer Haemodialysis Unit
- Hurley Ward
- Iffley Ward
- Intensive Care Unit
- Jim Shahi Unit
- Kempton Day Bed Unit
- Kennet and Loddon Unit
- King Edward Ward
- Marsh Ward
- Mortimer Ward
- Redlands Ward
- Rushey Unit
- Short Stay Unit
- Sidmouth Ward
- Sonning Ward
- Trueta Ward
- Victoria Ward
- West Ward
- Whitley Ward
- Woodley Ward
- Surgical Assessment Unit
- Early Pregnancy and Acute Gynaecology Unit
- Fetal Medicine Unit
- Buscot Ward
- Highclere Ward
- Our Locations
Work with us
- About us
- Team aims to collect 900 presents in Royal Berkshire Hospital Christmas Gift Appeal
- Top A&E doctors warn of rising pressure from winter viruses
- Join the BOB Integrated Care Partnership meeting
- ‘One-stop’ clinic opens its doors at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, bringing relief to arthritis sufferers
- Local NHS services encourage public to get 'Winter Ready'
- Lord’s Royal visit
- Hospital encourages patients to come forward for cataract surgery
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust's Maternity services continue to be rated as Good by CQC
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust named as one of top acute trusts for staff experience
- ICU opens doors to new visitor space
- Leading research for oral UTI vaccine carried out at Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Berkshire becomes first NHS trust to receive full GCSA certification due to ‘world-class’ research
- King's Birthday Honours: Huge congratulations to Mark Foulkes MBE
- Chief Nursing Officer Silver Award presented to nurse after 40 years service
- Construction begins on New Surgical Unit at Royal Berkshire Hospital
- On your marks, get set, go! Neuro-Rehabilitation Unit hosts sports day for patients
- Local patients are now able to have minor surgery at Townlands Memorial Hospital
- Congratulations in order – Health Service Journal Awards shortlist announced
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust ranked as a 'top five Trust' in this year’s CQC Inpatient Survey
- Sharing Stephen's story this Organ Donation Week
- Trial running at the Royal Berkshire Hospital offers hope for osteoarthritis patients
- Sidney and Kelly's story for Organ Donation Week
- Rolling out stop smoking support to all inpatients at the Trust
- £1.2 million grant to improve early detection of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases
- Chief Midwifery Award for Trust Maternity Support Workers
- The history of the Royal Berkshire Hospital – join us and mark 185 years
- Celebrating the fantastic work of our local community cancer champions
- Change NHS: Take part in the national conversation
- Trust launches new campaign to help tackle violence and aggression against staff
- Trust braces for Winter as Emergency Department attendances are at an all-time high
- ICU refurbishment at Royal Berkshire Hospital hits new milestone
- More Family Bays for Trust's Maternity Wards
- We're aiming to collect 900 presents in Royal Berkshire Hospital Christmas Gift Appeal
- Professorships awarded to Royal Berkshire Consultants
- Royal Berkshire Hospital welcomes Rowlands Pharmacy
- Volunteers dedicate 30,000 hours a year to support the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Trust Chief Executive recognised with honorary degree from the University of Reading
- Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust achieves Silver NJR Quality Data Provider status
- Chief Midwifery Officer for England visits Maternity Bereavement Team
- Recording breaking 1,200 gifts donated as part of our Christmas Gift Appeal
- Trust unveils new radiology facilities featuring cutting-edge diagnostic equipment at West Berkshire Community Hospital
- Opt-Out HIV and STI testing to be offered at Royal Berkshire Hospital's Emergency Department
- New Hospital Programme Announcement
- Ophthalmology department awarded university status
- Complete our Outpatient Services Survey
- The Trust is providing free Liver Health Checks across local community to improve Liver Health
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust receives top scores in NHS Staff Survey 2024
- Sharing Tammy's story on national No Smoking Day
- Trust Announces New Chair
- Royal Berkshire Research takes home European Site Spark Award
Patient Information Leaflets
- Advice following a caudal epidural injection
- Advice following a general anaesthetic for oral surgery
- Advice following a hip arthroscopy
- Advice following a local anaesthetic for oral surgery
- Advice following a urological procedure
- Advice following anorectal and examination under anaesthetic procedures
- Advice following arm or hand surgery
- Advice following breast surgery
- Advice following carpal tunnel surgery
- Advice following circumcision
- Advice following excision and closure of a pilonidal sinus
- Advice following excision of a pilonidal sinus
- Advice following foot or leg surgery
- Advice following foreskin surgery
- Advice following a general anaesthetic on ADSU
- Advice following gynaecological surgery
- Advice following haemorrhoid treatment
- Advice following hernia repair
- Advice following hydrocele repair / epididymal cyst / ligation of varicocele
- Advice following incision and drainage of an abscess
- Advice following knee arthroscopy (ADSU)
- Advice following laparoscopic (keyhole) abdominal surgery
- Advice following laparoscopic (keyhole) cholecystectomy (gallstone removal)
- Advice following laparoscopic (keyhole) hernia repair
- Advice following testicular surgery
- Advice following varicose vein surgery
- Advice following a vasectomy
- Managing your pain after an operation in the Adult Day Surgery Unit (ADSU)
- Acute Medical Unit / Higher Monitoring Unit
- Post-thrombotic syndrome
- Short Stay Unit (SSU)
- VACU Pulmonary embolism
- VACU Pneumonia
- Appropriate use of recording devices in the hospital
- Awake tracheal intubation
- Block Safe
- Epidurals and spinals
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and surgery
- What to expect on your stay on the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU)
- Sedation during procedures (adults)
- 12 tips to talking
- Audiology multi-professional team
- Audiology Paediatric Services
- Auditory processing delay (APD)
- Balance exercises factsheet - general information
- Balance exercises for older patients
- Balance exercises
- Balance function assessment
- Behavioural desensitisation and auditory desensitisation
- The Bemore app
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
- Bilateral hearing loss
- Bone conduction hearing device fitting pack
- Children's MultiMic quick pairing guide
- Cochlear implants
- Communication tips for hearing
- Dix-Hallpike and Epley manoeuvres for BPPV
- Wearing and cleaning your new ear protection
- Glue ear (Phonak leaflet 2023)
- Glue ear
- MRI scan (Audiology)
- Head impulse test
- Hearing aid repair services
- Hearing loss in children with Down's syndrome
- How to use ear drops
- Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis
- Listening tactics for parents and teachers
- Looking after your ears
- Managing ear wax
- Melatonin sedative for ABR hearing testing
- Migraine associated dizziness
- Mild hearing loss (children)
- MultiMic quick pairing guide
- Otovent use
- Audiology advice for care homes
- Paediatric hearing aid information
- Ear wax management (children)
- Unilateral hearing loss in children
- Speech and language advice for parents
- Promoting listening skills - information for parents
- Protect your ears - customised ear protectors
- Side-lying manoeuvre for BPPV
- Single-sided deafness management
- Sleep deprivation for ABR hearing testing
- Taking care of your child's hearing aids
- Testing for congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) in newborn babies
- Tests for children with permanent hearing loss
- Caloric Test
- Tinnitus
- Transition from children's to adult audiology services
- Transition from primary to secondary school (Audiology)
- Troubleshooting problems with closed fit hearing aids
- Troubleshooting problems with thin tube open fit hearing aids
- Using the telephone with hearing aids
- Vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) test
- Visual exercises
- VNG and oculomotor testing
- Wax removal in the targeted Wax Removal Clinic
- Wearing a face mask covering with hearing aids
- Hearing and noise exposure
- Hearing assessment (adults)
- Intragastric balloon - dietary advice following bariatric surgery
- Gastric band - Dietary advice following bariatric surgery
- Bariatric (weight loss) surgery: Once you have a date for your operation
- Getting the best results from your gastric band
- Is weight loss surgery right for me?
- One anastamosis mini gastric bypass surgery (OAGB)
- Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass RYGB) surgery
- Sleeve gastrectomy surgery
- First 6 weeks after weight loss surgery
- Weight loss (Bariatric) surgery - key facts
- Which weight loss operation is right for me?
- Bereavement Support
- Caring for your child's body at home
- Guide to the Coroner's Post Mortem Examination Procedure
- Grief after a bereavement
- Guide to the Hospital Post Mortem Examination Procedure (adults)
- Tissue blocks and slides
- Welcome to Adelaide Ward
- Useful Apps for cancer patients
- At the end of your radiotherapy treatment
- Psychology session appointments for the Berkshire Cancer Centre
- Bisphosphonate treatment plan
- Bowel cancer follow-up
- Bowel cancer open access follow-up (OAFU) service
- Pre-Chemotherapy Assessment Clinic (Bracknell HealthSpace)
- Brain tumours - useful contacts and links
- Cancer and your pelvic floor
- Cancer of the pancreas, bile ducts and liver
- Cancer of unknown primary (CUP)
- Cancer Rehabilitation Team
- Colorectal and anal cancer multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
- Preparation for deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) radiotherapy treatment for left sided breast cancer
- Digital assessments using PROMS for patients having radiotherapy treatment
- Endocrine therapy for breast cancer
- Enhanced supportive care (ESC)
- Financial support when you have cancer
- Gastric (stomach) cancer
- Genetic testing for hereditary cancer
- Going to Guy's Hospital for lung cancer surgery
- GP follow-up following treatment for bowel cancer
- Using vaginal dilators after pelvic radiotherapy
- Gynaecological cancer multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
- Hair Advisory Clinic
- Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA)
- Wound care during and after radiotherapy
- Long Course Radiotherapy Lung Cancer Nov22
- Low irritant, high fibre diet for patients having radiotherapy
- Low risk neutropenic sepsis - home care management
- Lung cancer multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
- Lung Optimum Pathway (LOP)
- Neuroendocrine tumours and diet
- Information for people newly diagnosed with lung cancer
- Oesophageal cancer: Having a stent to help with swallowing
- Oesophageal cancer treatment options
- Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) for limited spread of cancer (oligometastases)
- Phesgo treatment plan
- Adelaide Ward Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
- Post-operative internal high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy for gynaecological cancers
- Radiotherapy for bladder cancer
- Radiotherapy for cancer of the breast and lymph nodes
- Radiotherapy for breast cancer
- Radiotherapy for cancer of the oesophagus (gullet) or stomach
- Radiotherapy at the Berkshire Cancer Centre - general information and FAQ
- Radiotherapy Planning Department
- Radiotherapy for prostate cancer
- Radiotherapy to the skin on the Superficial Treatment Unit
- Radiotherapy for brain tumours
- Radiotherapy to the head and neck
- Radiotherapy to the pelvis for anal and rectal tumours
- Radiotherapy to the pelvis for gynaecological cancers
- Pre-Chemotherapy Assessment Clinic (Royal Berkshire Hospital)
- Melanoma appointment record
- Reducing the risk of lymphoedema after axillary lymph node surgery
- Road to radiotherapy
- Womb Cancer: Self directed follow up
- Sexual care after radiotherapy
- Short course radiotherapy for brain metastases
- Short course radiotherapy for lung cancer
- Staying Active When You Have Cancer Jan20
- Tests for suspected cancer
- Trastuzumab (herceptin) treatment patient diary
- Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) to the lung
- Chemotherapy at the Rosemary Centre (West Berkshire Community Hospital)
- Gynaecological radiotherapy - what to expect afterwards
- Breast prosthesis
- Chemotherapy infusion device
- Lanreotide treatment plan
- Breast coil marker insertion
- Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Fibrocystic breast change
- Breast coil marker insertion for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
- Interval breast cancers
- Stereotactic vacuum assisted biopsy (VAB)
- Ultrasound guided core biopsy
- Ultrasound guided Vacuum Assisted Biopsy (VAB) of the breast
- X-ray guided core biopsy - stereo
- After breast cancer surgery
- Areola micropigmentation aftercare advice
- Areola micropigmentation
- Axillary node clearance
- Breast lipomodelling (fat transfer / grafting)
- Breast lump excision biopsy
- Breast Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)
- Breast open access follow-up (OAFU) clinic
- Breast Rapid Diagnosis Clinic
- Breast reconstruction surgery
- Breast reduction surgery
- Drainage of seromas resulting from breast surgery
- Hadfield's procedure
- Implant based breast reconstruction
- Mastectomy
- Partial breast reconstruction using LICAP and LTAP flap techniques
- Going home with a Redivac drain following breast surgery
- Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and one step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA)
- Specialist nursing support for people with secondary breast cancer
- Stand alone sentinel lymph node biopsy (SASLNB)
- Therapeutic mammoplasty
- Wide local excision (WLE) of a breast lump
- Wire guided excision biopsy of the breast
- Advice following an ICD or CRTD device implant
- Advice following a device generator change
- Advice following an insertable cardiac monitor implant
- Advice following a pacemaker / CRTP implant
- Advice following an S-ICD implant
- After a heart attack
- After your angiogram
- Ambulatory Heart Function Unit
- Aortic stenosis and balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV)
- Atrial flutter ablation
- AV node ablation
- Bubble echocardiogram
- Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme
- Cardiology Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)
- Catheter ablation for cardiac arrrythmias
- Cardioversion
- Diagnostic Coronary (DC) Angiography
- Angioplasty and stent
- Angioplasty and stent (CCU inpatients)
- Contrast echocardiogram
- Dobutamine stress echocardiogram
- Exercise stress echocardiogram for angina
- Exercise stress echocardiogram for valve / cardiomyopathy
- Exercise The Heart Updatedpptx
- Cardiac device generator replacement
- Lead revision
- Pacemaker implant
- Insertable cardiac monitor (Medtronic LINQ device)
- Healthy eating presentation (Cardiac Rehabilitation)
- Heart disease presentation (Cardiac Rehabilitation)
- Cardiac Rehabilitation: Home Exercise Programme
- Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implant
- Medicines management presentation (Cardiac Rehabilitation)
- Percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery chronic total occlusion (CTO)
- Relaxation
- Risk factors presentation (Cardiac Rehabilitation)
- Subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) implant
- Talking health presentation (Cardiac Rehabilitation)
- Transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE)
- Transthoracic echocardiogram
- Walking Programme guide
- Cardiac Care Unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Jim Shahi Unit - information for escalation patients
- Whitley Ward
- Cardiology referrals
- Active cycle of breathing technique for children
- Adenoidectomy (adenoid removal) in children
- Advance Care Planning Clinic (children)
- No longer allergic - Following a child's Oral Food Challenge (OFC)
- Appendicectomy aftercare advice (children)
- Autogenic drainage for children and young people
- Barium swallow meal and follow through (children)
- Big brothers and sisters (Buscot Ward)
- Botulinum Toxin A Spasticity Management Service (children)
- Breastfeeding with breast milk fortifier supplements
- Breathing and blowing games for children
- Bronchiolitis in children
- Bubble Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) for children
- Buccolam - giving your child Buccolam for prolonged seizures
- Buscot: Bereavement support
- Caring for your child after a general anaesthetic
- Caring for your child in a hip abduction brace
- Caring for your child with developmental hip dysplasia
- Cerebral Palsy (Spasticity Management Service)
- Chemotherapy for children and young people
- Children's Occupational Therapy - What to expect
- Circumcision (children)
- Clubfoot and Ponseti - Exercises for your child
- Clubfoot and Ponseti - Information for parents
- Clubfoot and the Ponseti Method - Boots and bar stage
- Clubfoot and the Ponseti method - Exercises for older children
- Complementary feeding (weaning) your baby
- Constipation management plan for children
- Cooling treatment for babies with perinatal asphyxia
- Croup
- Cystoscopy (children)
- Diazepam - Giving your child rectal diazepam
- Dolphin and Lion Ward welcome
- Infant hip instability early management
- Eating disorder / food refusal: what to expect when a child is admitted to Lion and Dolphin Ward
- Erb's Palsy
- Eye cyst removal surgery in children
- Febrile convulsions in children
- Feeding your premature baby with post-discharge formula
- Fever - looking after your child at home
- First seizure (no temperature) in children
- Food allergies in schools and nurseries
- Gastro oesophageal reflux in children
- Gastroenteritis in children
- Helping your child accept new foods into their diet
- Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP)
- Hernia repair (children)
- Hydrocele repair (children)
- Hypoglycaemia and ketotic hypoglycaemia
- Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (children)
- Infective endocarditis in children
- Ingrowing toenail surgery (children)
- Grommet insertion (children)
- Kempton Day Bed Unit welcome
- Ketamine sedation in children and young people
- Children's Cancer Key Worker
- Knee arthroscopy for children
- Linear cautery to the nasal turbinates in children
- Lion Ward - information for parent and carers of children with cancer
- Lumbar puncture (babies)
- Melatonin for sleep problems in children
- My baby: Getting ready to leave Buscot Ward
- Broken bones in children
- My child needs a blood test on Kempton Day Bed Unit
- Nasogastric tube feeding guide (children on the ward)
- Oral Food Challenge (OFC)
- Oral surgery (children)
- Orchidopexy (children)
- Paediatric clinical psychology
- Paediatric Doctor-Led Virtual Thyroid Clinic
- EEG with melatonin (children)
- Paediatric nurse led virtual allergy clinic
- Paediatric Nurse-Led Virtual Thyroid Clinic
- Paediatric virtual allergy triage clinic
- Paediatrics: Patient initiated follow up (PIFU)
- Parents guide to expressing milk
- Plaigocephaly (flattened head)
- Plaster cast stretch following Botulinum Toxin A injection
- Positional talipes (TCV) exercise information
- Positional talipes (TEV) exercise information
- Vitamin D - Preventing bone disease in children and young people
- Pressure ulcers prevention in children
- Prophylactic Trimethoprim dosage
- Ptosis correction surgery in children
- Re-introducing foods
- Realignment of nose fractures in children
- Reconstituting medicine for children at home
- Parents’ guide to helping reduce noise in Buscot nurseries
- K-wire removal under general anaesthetic
- Removing your child's cannula
- Routine pregnancy testing for young women
- Salicylates (children)
- Screening for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
- Sedation - discharge advice for parents and carers (wards)
- Sedation in children and young people
- SEND -Taking a child with special educational needs or a disability to hospital
- Sick Day Rules for children with adrenal insufficiency
- Sick Day Rules for children with diabetes an a basal bolus regime
- Sick Day Rules for children with diabetes on an insulin pumps
- Sick Day Rules for children with diabetes an a 2 or 3 times daily insulin regime
- Sinding-Larsen Johansson condition
- Slapped cheek disease (children)
- Squint surgery (children)
- Tear duct surgery for children
- Toe walking
- Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy
- Transitioning to adult healthcare with epilepsy
- Transitioning to adult healthcare with a learning disability
- Transitioning to adult healthcare with neurodisability
- Travelling with your adrenaline pens (children)
- Treatment for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children
- Spacer devices for children
- What happens when baby needs an exchange blood transfusion
- Starting antibiotics for your baby
- Children's blood tests - Where to get them
- Neonatal physiotherapy - Why has my baby been referred?
- MRI or CT scan for children
- Cryotherapy
- Dermatology Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)
- Advice following Isotretinoin treatment
- Dermatology (skin) surgery
- Narrowband UVB Therapy for hands and/or feet
- Narrowband UVB Therapy
- Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
- Phototherapy Minimal Erythemal Dose (MED) test
- Isotretinoin - Taking care of your skin during treatment
- Dermatology Wig Service
- Wound care after skin surgery (secondary intent healing)
- Wound care after skin surgery (with dissolving stitches)
- Acromegaly
- Addison's Disease
- Advice for people with diabetes having a gastroscopy or colonoscopy
- Bromocriptine
- Cabergoline
- Carbimazole in thyrotoxicosis
- Coping during illness with raised blood glucose and ketones
- FreeStyle Libre glucose monitor tutorials and user manuals (adults)
- Graves' Disease
- Hydrocortisone
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypogonadism and testosterone replacement therapy
- Hypopituitarism and pituitary replacement hormones
- Insulin pump therapy
- Insulin start or change checklist
- Metformin for PCOS (Diabetes & Endocrinology)
- Non-functioning pituitary adenoma
- Nurse-Led Thyroid Virtual Clinic
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Diabetes & Endocrinology)
- Pituitary tumour treatment
- Post Radioiodine Nurse-Led Thyroid Virtual Clinic
- Preparing for surgery if you have diabetes
- Prolactinoma
- Propylthiouracil in thyrotoxicosis
- Pump therapy for planned admission to hospital
- Stratified Type 1 Diabetes follow-up
- Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
- Urine sample for C-Peptide / Creatinine ratio
- 100Kcal boosters - Heart healthy options
- 100kcal boosters for patients having head and neck cancer treatment
- 100kcal boosters
- Children (over 1 year old) who need extra help to meet their nutritional needs dietary advice
- Liver disease and diet
- Colostomy dietary advice
- Oesophageal stent: Dietary advice following insertion of a stent
- Diverticular disease dietary advice
- Gallstones dietary advice
- High output stoma dietary advice
- Head and neck cancer dietary advice
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) dietary advice
- Finger foods
- Food First Approach: Making the most of what you eat on a South Asian diet
- Sore mouth - Help with eating if you have a sore mouth
- Constipation - Help with eating if you have constipation
- Diarrhoea - Help with eating if you have diarrhoea
- Nausea and vomiting - Help with eating if you have nausea and vomiting
- Taste changes - Help with eating if you have a change of taste
- High protein supermarket food options
- Homemade fortified dairy-free drinks
- Homemade fortified fruity drinks
- Homemade fortified milky drinks
- Hydration boosters
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Constipation
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Diarrhoea
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Low FODMAP diet
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Wind and bloating
- Ileostomy dietary advice
- Iron in your child's diet - why it is important
- Introducing solids for babies following a milk-free diet
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Modifying fibre in your diet
- Making mealtimes fun
- Food First Approach: Making the most of what you eat
- Messy food play
- Milk free diet for children with milk allergy
- Nourishing drinks
- Oesophagectomy dietary advice
- Oral nutritional supplements
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) dietary advice
- Potassium table - foods high and low in potassium
- Protein - Importance of protein in diet
- Constipation symptoms
- Vitamin D supplements
- Using the Milk Ladder to reintroduce milk and dairy (in children)
- Wound care and nutrition
- Home Oxygen Therapy (Easy Read information)
- Preparing for adulthood - making decisions
- Hospital organised transport
- NHS Continuing Care (CHC) - information for relatives
- Leaving the Royal Berkshire Hospital with self-funded care
- Leaving the Royal Berkshire Hospital for a care home (Pathway 3)
- Leaving the Royal Berkshire Hospital for a community hospital
- Leaving the Royal Berkshire Hospital for home with care (Pathway 1)
- Leaving the Royal Berkshire Hospital - general information
- About the Discharge Lounge
- Your hospital discharge - leaving the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Acute otitis media
- Tonsil surgery (adults)
- Advice following a general anaesthetic (ENT)
- Tonsillectomy aftercare advice
- Myringotomy and grommet insertion aftercare advice
- Nasal surgery (septorhinoplasty) aftercare advice
- Nasal surgery aftercare advice
- Salivary gland / neck surgery aftercare advice
- Scopes aftercare advice
- Thyroidectomy aftercare advice
- Uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty (UPPP) aftercare advice
- Epistaxis - Dealing with nosebleeds (ENT)
- Nasal douching (washing) advice
- Betnovate scalp application as ear drops
- Chronic cough and throat clearing
- Ear Care Clinic (ENT)
- Ear, nose and throat (ENT) Outpatient appointments
- Ear, nose and throat (ENT) patient initiated follow-up (PIFU)
- Epistaxis (nose bleed) advice after cautery
- Globus (feeling of a lump in the throat)
- Grommet insertion aftercare (ENT and Children's Audiology)
- Mastoid surgery
- Minor ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery
- Myringoplasty / Tympanoplasty (reconstruction of the ear drum)
- Nasal sprays - How to use them
- Nose drops - How to use them
- 'One Stop' Nasal Fracture Clinic
- Otitis externa
- Children's ear, nose and throat (ENT) Clinic welcome
- Parathyroidectomy
- Salicylate sensitivity
- Silent reflux
- Stapedectomy (middle ear repair)
- Sun and your skin
- Thyroidectomy (ENT)
- Hiatus hernia, oesophagitis and reflux symptoms - tips for patients
- Tonsillitis and quinsy treatment
- Transnasal oesophagoscopy (TNO)
- Ear drop usage (Dorrell Ward)
- Care Crew
- Care planning when patients are unable to make decisions for themselves
- Delirium (Elderly Care)
- DEXA scan
- Emmer Green Hip Fracture Unit discharge
- Elderly Care Surgical Liaison Service
- Falls Clinic
- Forget Me Not - Information for relatives and carers
- Getting involved with a loved one's care (Leading Together Programme)
- Hip fracture admission
- Memory problems
- Multidisciplinary Movement Disorders Clinic
- Older adults in Clinical Research studies
- Preventing falls and improving safety
- Incontinence products
- Rapid assessment clinic for older people (RACOP)
- Reducing the risk of dementia
- Welcome Burghfield Ward Final Oct22
- Caversham Ward welcome
- Emmer Green Ward - Hip Fracture Unit
- Mortimer Ward welcome
- Woodley Ward welcome
- Acute torticollis (wry neck)
- Advice following a high INR reading (Adults)
- Animal and human bites
- Antibiotics
- Are we expecting you? Emergency Department (A&E) advice
- Bruised hand
- Calf injury discharge advice
- Chest wall injury
- Chickenpox and shingles in children
- Conjunctival foreign body
- Conjunctivitis in children
- Corneal abrasion
- Dental pain
- Driving after injury
- DVT Clinic at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Elbow dislocation
- Elbow injury discharge advice
- Emergency contraception
- Epistaxis (nosebleed) advice
- First fit or seizure
- Following a death in the Emergency Department (A&E) - Advice for relatives
- Forearm crutches
- Foreign bodies in the nose
- Head injury (Adults)
- Head injury (Child)
- Heel pain or plantar fasciitis
- Hyperventilation syndrome
- Infective conjunctivitis (Adults and Children)
- Insect bites and stings
- Sedation aftercare advice for children (ED)
- Low back pain
- Measles
- Minor burns care (adults and children)
- Nasal fractures
- Neck injury
- Pain relief for children
- Pain relief in adults
- Plaster cast care
- Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)
- Postural hypotension (low blood pressure)
- Pre-tibial lacerations
- Psychological Medicine Service at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Pulled or nursemaid's elbow
- Registering with a GP
- RICE - Care of bumps bruises, sprains and strains
- Rivaroxaban to prevent blood clots
- Scaphoid (wrist) injury discharge advice
- Sedation aftercare advice (adults)
- Sprains
- Thumb injury
- Trampolines - using them safely
- Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
- Whooping cough
- Wound care after leaving the Emergency Department
- 24-hour oesophageal pH impedance testing
- 24-hour oesophageal pH testing
- Argon plasma coagulation (APC)
- Balloon gastrostomy removal - aftercare advice
- Balloon gastrostomy replacement - aftercare advice
- Barrett's oesophagus
- Botulinum toxin injection (Endoscopy)
- Bronchoscopy aftercare advice
- Caring for your Jejunostomy feeding tube
- Catheter-free Bravo 48-hour pH testing
- Colonic dilatation
- Colonoscopy aftercare advice
- Colonoscopy explained
- Colonoscopy for bowel cancer screening
- Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of the bowel
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) explained
- Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) aftercare advice
- Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) explained
- Enema instructions before a bowel or colon examination
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP) aftercare advice
- What is a PEG tube?
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy aftercare advice
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy explained
- Gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
- Gastroscopy (OGD) and flexible sigmoidoscopy explained
- Gastroscopy (OGD) explained
- Gastroscopy with sedation aftercare advice
- Gastroscopy with stent insertion aftercare advice
- Gastroscopy with throat spray aftercare advice
- Helicobacter pylori breath test
- Hydrogen and methane breath test (adults)
- Looking after a Freka balloon gastrostomy tube
- Looking after a PEG feeding tube
- Oesophageal dilatation aftercare advice
- Oesophageal dilatation
- Oesophageal manometry tests
- Oesophageal stent
- Oesophageal variceal banding
- Gastroscopy (OGD) and colonoscopy explained
- Endoscopic removal of a PEG feeding tube - aftercare advice
- Manual removal of a PEG tube - aftercare advice
- Therapeutic gastroscopy (OGD) explained
- Transnasal endoscopy explained
- Transnasal endoscopy aftercare advice
- Wireless capsule endoscopy
- Clomifene
- Endometriosis
- In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
- Gonadotropin
- Heparin (Fertility patients)
- HyFoSy
- Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
- Hysteroscopy polypectomy
- Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI)
- Intra-unterine insemination (IUI)
- Laparoscopy and dye
- Letrozole
- Male factor sub fertility
- Metformin for polycystic ovary syndrome (Fertility clinic patients)
- Myomectomy
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Recurrent miscarriage information
- Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR)
- Transcervial resection of a fibroid (TCRF)
- 14-day bowel diary
- Anal sphincter exercises
- Azathioprine and 6 Mercaptopurine
- Drainage of ascitic fluid (paracentesis)
- Feed Me Up Jul23
- Gastroenterology Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)
- Hepatobiliary / Jaundice Nurse Specialist Service
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Patient Initiated Follow-Up
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) resources
- Methotrexate Apr23
- Welcome to Sidmouth Ward
- Transarterial Chemo Embolisation (TACE)
- 3 Day Bladder Chart
- Abdominal open hysterectomy
- Advice following a general anaesthetic for gynaecology patients
- Bartholins cyst or abscess
- Hysterectomy: Before you come into hospital
- Cervical cautery
- Cervical polypectomy
- Chaperones
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Colposcopy aftercare
- Colposcopy - what is it?
- Consent for tests and treatment (Gynae)
- Conservative management of miscarriage
- Cystoscopy
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Diathermy loop excision (LLETZ)
- Endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding
- Vaginal bleeding and pain in early pregnancy: EPU referral
- Evacuation of retained products of conception (ERPC)
- Exercises following gynaecological surgery: Physio advice
- First trimester miscarriage
- Goserelin acetate (Zoladex)
- Gynaecology: Patient initiated follow up (PIFU)
- Gynaecology minor operations clinic
- Human papilloma virus (HPV)
- Hysteroscopy outpatient information
- Imiquimod treatment for vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
- Intermittent self catheterisation
- Intrauterine pregnancy of uncertain viability (IUPUV)
- Laparoscopic female sterilisation
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic myomectomy
- Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
- Laparoscopic salpingo oophorectomy
- Lichen sclerosus
- Large loop excision of transformation zone treatment (LLETZ)
- Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)
- Medical management of miscarriage: Patient instructions
- Medical management of first trimester miscarriage
- Ectopic pregnancy: Medical treatment
- Mirena coil fitting
- Myosure
- Novasure patient risks and considerations
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Pipelle biopsy
- Pregnancy after multiple previous caesarean births
- Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL)
- Ring pessary change
- Sacrospinous fixation (SSF)
- Sensitive management of pregnancy tissue in EPU
- Surgical management of miscarriage (SMM)
- Surgical repair of vaginal prolapse
- Trans-cervical resection endometrium (TCRE)
- Tubal ectopic pregnancy
- Ulipristal acetate (Esmya) for fibroids
- Urethral bulking for stress incontinence
- Urodynamic studies
- Vaginal hysterectomy
- Vaginal pessary
- Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN)
- Vulval biospy
- Welcome to Sonning Ward
- Your gynaecological ultrasound scan
- Annual telephone follow-up appointment (Haematology)
- Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy
- Clinical Health Psychology Service for Haematology
- Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Haematology multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
- Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)
- Intrathecal chemotherapy
- Lymphoma monitoring pathway
- Haematology Unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Taking iron supplements
- Venesection
- Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
- Discharge from the Haematology Unit
- Advice following a death in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Call 4 Concern (Adults)
- Call 4 Concern (Children)
- Coping with traumatic experiences
- Delirium (Intensive Care Unit)
- Hallucinations
- Fatigue management following a stay on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Rehabilitation Programme on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Life after a critical illness
- Use of restraint mitts and freedom splints in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Sepsis - information for patients, relatives and carers
- Voiceless - why can't the patient talk?
- Welcome to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- What happens in a Critical Care Area
- Candida auris
- Carbapenesmase-producing enterobacterales
- Clostridioides difficile (C diff)
- ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase) & AmpC (AmpC Beta-lactamase)
- Hand hygiene for patients and visitors
- Staphylococcus aureus decolonisation therapy with Bactroban
- Isolation precautions
- Laundering patient clothing
- MRSA and young children / babies
- MRSA screening
- Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
- Meticillin Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) screening
- Multi-resistant Acinetobacter
- Necrotising fasciitis
- Norovirus (Winter vomiting)
- Octenisan & Bactroban decolonisation therapy
- Staph aureus decolonisation therapy with Naseptin
- Preventing spread of infection - how patients and visitors can help
- Salmonella
- Seasonal influenza (flu)
- Tuberculosis (Infection Control)
- Vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE)
- Water safety and testing
- Finding quality health resources online
- BCG vaccination checklist (Arabic)
- BCG vaccination checklist (Chinese)
- BCG vaccination checklist (Nepali)
- BCG vaccination checklist (Romanian)
- BCG vaccination checklist (Urdu)
- Flipflow Catheter plus chart
- High blood pressure in pregnancy: Postnatal advice
- Hip clinic referral for your baby
- Jaundice in newborn babies
- Postnatal care: When and where?
- Pulse Oximetry Screening: Parent information
- Vitamin K for newborns
- Welcome to Level 4 Maternity Iffley and Marsh Ward
- Your visit to the perineal clinic
- Infant feeding: How can I tell bottle feeding is going well?
- Breastfeeding and substance misuse
- Breastfeeding after scans
- Breastfeeding and pain relief
- Infant feeding: How can I tell if breastfeeding is going well?
- Breastfeeding: Advice on how to overcome challenges
- Could you become a breast milk donor?
- Donor milk: Is it an option for me and my baby?
- Expressing colostrum in pregnancy
- Expressing your milk when you and your baby are separated following birth
- Breastfeeding support at the Family Hubs: West Berkshire
- Feeding and tongue tie
- Infant feeding protocol: Parents guide
- Possible effects of offering formula milk
- Protecting your baby from low blood sugar
- Breastfeeding support: Community drop in sessions
- Skin to skin contact
- Weight loss in newborn babies
- Anaesthetic advice regarding heparin and LMWH injections
- Anaesthetic leaflets for maternity patients
- Anaesthetics for caesarean birth
- Back problems in pregnancy and during labour
- Blood transfusion during pregnancy and birth
- Epidural for pain relief including PIEB pumps
- Epidural or spinal: Postnatal advice
- General anaesthetic on Delivery suite
- High BMI: Why do I need to see an anaesthetist?
- Pain relief after birth
- Pain relief in labour
- Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia (PCA)
- Bereavement support information for parents and families
- Burial on private land
- Collecting your baby from the mortuary
- Mid to late pregnancy loss on Delivery Suite
- What happens next?
- COVID-19 and pregnancy (Arabic)
- COVID-19 and pregnancy (Pashto)
- COVID-19 and pregnancy (Urdu)
- COVID-19 and pregnancy (English)
- COVID-19 and pregnancy (coronavirusul) și sarcina
- COVID-19 and pregnancy (Koronavirusi) dhe shtatzënia
- COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Combined scan clinic
- Low papp-A results and extra scans
- Low placenta at 20 week scan
- Placenta praevia, placenta accreta and vasa praevia information
- Pregnancy after loss and our Rainbow Care service
- Rainbow Clinic Study: Participant information sheet
- Sensitive management of pregnancy tissue in Maternity
- Why have I been referred for a fetal medicine scan?
- Your maternity ultrasound scan
- Birth partners guide when theatre is required following birth
- Birthing Partners information
- Elective caesaren birth - partners information
- Bakri balloon for heavy bleeding after birth
- Breech baby information leaflet (RCOG)
- Induction of labour (IOL)
- Retained placenta: Manual removal
- Monitoring your babys heartbeat in labour
- Twins and multiple pregnancy
- Premature prelabour rupture of membranes
- Stem cell harvesting: Information for parents
- Taking photos when your baby is born
- Tears and stitches
- TENS machine use in labour
- Uterine artery embolisation (UAE) to treat obstetric haemorrhage
- Unassisted birth: What do I need to know?
- Water births: Use of a birthing pool for labour and birth
- Welcome to Induction of labour suite
- Caesarean birth recovery
- Coil fitting at Caesarean birth
- Having a booked elective caesarean birth
- Female sterilisation information
- What happens on the day of your elective caesarean?
- Will I Need A Blood Transfusion?
- Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) diagnosis in pregnancy
- Bleeding disorders in pregnancy
- Clot prevention for those taking low weight molecular heparin (LWMH)
- Epilepsy: Pregnancy, birth and postnatal information
- High BMI (body mass index) in pregnancy and birth
- Hysterectomy postpartum
- Myopia and normal vaginal delivery: RBH statement
- Ondansetron in pregnancy
- Overactive thyroid in pregnancy
- Raised blood pressure in pregnancy: Gestational
- Raised blood pressure: Pre-eclampsia
- Recovering from high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia)
- Sepsis during pregnancy or following birth
- Venous thromboembolism in pregnancy and during birth
- Diabetes and pregnancy planning
- Diabetes care in pregnancy: Type 1 and Type 2
- Diabetes screening in Maternity
- Diabetic retinopathy and normal vaginal delivery
- Insulin injections: Guidance on self administration
- Metformin use in pregnancy
- Pelvic floor muscle exercises: Physio advice
- Antenatal urinary incontinence - Physio advice
- Caring for your body in pregnancy: Physio advice
- Coccyx pain during pregnancy: Physio advice
- Coccyx pain following childbirth: Physio advice
- Core exercise programme: Physio advice
- Exercises and advice following the loss of your baby: Physio advice
- Exercises following tears and stitches (OASI): Physio advice
- Hip pain in pregnancy: Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS)
- Meralgia paraesthetica in pregnancy: Physio advice
- Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (PGP): Physio advice
- Progressing your exercises after birth: Physio advice
- Relaxing your pelvic floor muscles: Physio advice
- Returning to running after childbirth: Physio advice
- Returning to fitness after childbirth: Physio advice
- Round ligament pain in pregnancy: Physio advice
- Scar tissue mobilisation for childbirth scars: Physio advice
- Separation of the abdominal muscles: Physio advice
- Urinary problems immediately after childbirth: Physio advice
- Cannabis use in pregnancy: A parents guide
- Domestic Abuse
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Keep alcohol away from children
- Keep injecting equipment away from children
- Keep methadone away from children
- Pregnant? Do you have issues with drug and alcohol abuse?
- Whats Going On?
- Amniocentesis and CVS testing
- Anomaly scan not completed after two attempts
- Combined Screening: What happens when we are unable to get a result?
- Early termination of pregnancy: MSI Reproductive Choices
- Newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy: Patient information sheet
- Newborn Hearing Screening on Buscot
- Corticosteroids and their use during pregnancy
- Baby due date and how it affects my care
- Blossom Team birth services
- Carbon monoxide monitoring - Translations
- Have you considered having a home birth?
- Early labour support guide
- Having a baby over the age of forty
- Hints and tips for birth process
- Large for gestational age baby
- Low dose aspirin in pregnancy
- Maternity Assessment Unit
- Midwifery services in Berkshire
- Positive pregnancy test
- Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: Preparing for and managing
- Preventing perineal tears: Advice and suggestions
- Retained Placenta: Previous manual removal
- Previous minor postpartum haemorrhage
- Previous third degree tear (OASI)
- Prolonged pregnancy management
- Useful contact numbers
- Useful resources during pregnancy
- Vitamin D for pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Basic Birth Rights factsheet: 16 translations available
- Biomechanics for birth guidance
- What to get ready for your birth experience
- Amalgam tattoo
- Apical granuloma
- Apicectomy
- Black hairy tongue
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Caring for your hard bite raising appliance (Michigan splint)
- Caring for your pressure formed orthodontic retainer
- Caring for your removable orthodontic appliance
- Caring for your soft bite raising appliance
- Coronectomy (tooth crown removal)
- Dry mouth (xerostomia)
- Fibro epithelial polyp (FEP)
- Geographic tongue
- Intravenous sedation for dental surgical treatment
- Lichen planus
- Waiting for an oral, maxillofacial or orthodontic procedure
- Minor oral surgery procedures under local anaesthetic - aftercare advice
- Minor oral surgery (adults)
- Mouth-sinus communications: Lessening the risks
- Mouth ulcers
- Oral (mouth) biopsy
- Oral frictional hyperkeratosis (FK)
- Oral thrush
- Peri-apical cyst
- Salivary mucoceles
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
- Using your prosthesis
- Wisdom teeth removal
- Bone scan as an outpatient
- DMSA kidney scan as an outpatient
- DMSA kidney scan for children
- Dacroscintigram (DSG) as an outpatient
- Gastric emptying study as an outpatient
- HIDA scan as an outpatient
- Iodine-123 MIBG scan as an outpatient
- Iodine-123 whole body scan as an outpatient
- Kidney function test as an outpatient
- Lung perfusion scan (Q Scan) for pregnant women
- Meckel's diverticulum scan as an outpatient (adults)
- Nuclear Medicine diagnostic imaging information for carers
- Nuclear Medicine therapeutic imaging information for carers
- Octreotide scan as an outpatient
- Oesophageal emptying study as an outpatient
- Parathyroid scan as an outpatient
- Radioactive iodine ablation treatment for thyroid cancer
- Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism
- Renogram scan as an outpatient
- Sehcat scan as an outpatient
- Thyroid scan as an outpatient
- Two phase bone scan as an outpatient
- VQ lung scan as an outpatient
- Motor Neurone Disease (MND) clinical nurse specialist
- Rare neurological illness clinical nurse specialist
- Parkinson's - Coming into hospital guide
- Bladder scan (Neurology)
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clinical nurse specialist contact details
- Mindfulness for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients
- Neuro Rehabilitation on Highclere Ward at West Berkshire Community Hospital
- Parkinson's - How to access your local PD nurse service
- Epilepsy safety advice (children)
- Stroke Unit discharge
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) relapse treatment
- Stroke Unit welcome
- Outpatient Neuro Physiotherapy - your journey
- Advice to aid recovery after injury
- Falls prevention in hospital
- Fatigue after stroke
- Fatigue management
- First Assessment at the Wheelchair Clinic
- Getting back to normal
- Revision Total Hip Replacement Surgery - Getting ready for your operation
- Total Hip Replacement Surgery - Getting ready for your planned operation
- Loss of sensation in limbs after a stroke
- Managing activities of daily living with one hand following an injury
- Managing everyday activities one-handed after a visit to A&E
- Occupational Therapy in the Emergency Department (A&E)
- Useful contacts after leaving hospital (Occupational Therapy)
- Reduced hand function - practical suggestions and tips
- Relationships and sex after stroke
- Returning to work after a stroke
- Cancer and sleep difficulties
- Sleep hygiene
- Sleep hygiene for patients following a stroke or traumatic brain injury
- Acquired ptosis
- Advice and support for people experiencing sight loss
- General anaesthetic aftercare advice (PCEU only)
- Eye injection aftercare advice
- Cataract extraction and lens implantation aftercare advice
- After retinal detachment surgery with no posturing required
- Eyelid surgery aftercare advice
- Wet Macular Degeneration approved treatments
- Arcuate keratotomy surgery
- Asymptomatic retinal detachment
- Blepharitis
- Cataracts and cataract surgery
- Chalazion (Meibomian cyst or stye)
- Cleaning eyelids before an injection
- Congenital ptosis
- Corneal graft surgery
- Corneal suture (stitch) removal following surgery
- Cyclodiode laser treatment for glaucoma
- Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) surgery
- Diabetic macular oedema (DMO)
- Dry eye syndrome
- Descemet's stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK) surgery
- Ectropion
- Entropion
- Epiretinal membrane
- Eye operation using local anaesthetic
- Eye removal (evisceration/enucleation/exenterations)
- Facial nerve paralysis
- Fast Track Patient Pathway
- Fluorescein FFA and Indocyanine green (ICG) angiographies
- Cataract surgery FAQ
- Glaucoma Digital Evaluation Clinic
- Glaucoma surgery (trabeculectomy)
- Instructions for afternoon eye operation at Prince Charles Eye Unit
- Instructions for afternoon eye operation at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Instructions for morning eye operation at Prince Charles Eye Unit
- Instructions for morning eye operation at Royal Berkshire Hospital
- External and internal dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery (to improve tear drainage)
- Intravitreal injection treatment for diabetic macular oedema (DMO)
- Iritis
- Artificial eye care
- Macular hole surgery
- Macular Service Patient Pathway
- Periocular skin cancer
- Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)
- Retinal detachment surgery with posturing required
- Preparing for laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy
- Pterygium (surfer's eye)
- Recurrent corneal erosion (RCE)
- Retinal detachment surgery
- Retinal vein occlusion (RVO)
- Selective laser trabeculoplasty (glaucoma surgery)
- Squint surgery (adults)
- Subconjunctival haemorrhage
- Superficial keratectomy and alcohol delamination
- Thyroid eye disease
- Controlling diabetic retinopathy and preventing sight loss - tips
- Useful organisations and support groups for people with eye / sight conditions
- Viral conjunctivitis (eye infection)
- Vitrectomy on the Eye Day Unit
- Vitrectomy
- Eye Day Unit welcome
- YAG laser capsulotomy
- YAG laser periphery iridotomy
- Eye Casualty journey
- Accessory navicular surgery
- Accessory navicular (extra foot bone)
- Achilles tendon rupture conservative (non-operative) management
- Acromio clavicular joint injury discharge advice
- Trauma Orthopaedic Unit admission
- Ankle arthroscopy
- Ankle fusion surgery
- Ankle injuries discharge advice
- Ankle lateral ligament repair or reconstruction surgery
- Anterior deltoid strengthening exercises
- Anterior stabilisation of the shoulder (Open and Keyhole)
- Aquacel surgical dressing following hip surgery
- Aquacel surgical dressing following knee surgery
- Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
- Assessment in the Virtual Fracture Clinic
- Broken bones in children: A short guide for parents
- Buckle fracture of the radius discharge advice
- Buddy strapping discharge advice
- Carpal tunnel decompression surgery aftercare advice
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy: Physio advice
- Cartiva implant surgery for big toe arthritis
- Cast care checklist for use in the community
- Cast care
- Cast removal aftercare advice
- Caudal epidural steroid injection
- Hip dysplasia: Checking your baby for signs
- Children's mallet finger injury discharge advice
- Chronic Achilles tendon rupture reconstruction surgery
- Clavicle (collar bone) fracture in children aged 12 and under
- Clavicle (collar bone) fracture in children aged 13 to 16 years
- Clubfoot
- Cortisone injections
- Curly toes surgery
- Curly toes
- Distal tibial derotation osteotomy
- Dupuytren's disease
- Elbow arthroscopy
- Elbow injuries discharge advice
- Self-injecting Tinzaparin or Enoxaparin at home
- Finger fractures discharge advice
- Finger volar plate injury (jammed finger)
- First metatarsophalangeal joint fusion surgery
- Flexible flat feet
- Foot injuries discharge advice
- Orthopaedic Outpatients (Fracture Clinic) self-initiated follow-up (SIFU)
- Fractured humerus (upper arm bone) discharge advice
- Freiberg's condition
- Frozen shoulder surgery
- Further investigations in Orthopaedic Outpatients
- Ganglion cyst
- Getting ready for elective (planned) surgery (not hip)
- Gluteal tendon repair surgery
- Growing pains
- Hamstring tears and repair surgery
- Hand fracture (minor) discharge advice
- Hand injuries discharge advice
- Hip arthroscopy with labral reconstruction
- Hip arthroscopy with labral repair
- Hip replacement surgery
- Humeral neck fracture discharge advice
- Iliotibial band release surgery
- Coccygectomy (coccyx surgery) aftercare advice
- Insertional Achilles tendinopathy surgery
- Ischiofemoral impingement and decompression surgery
- Knee injuries discharge advice
- Knee replacement surgery
- Lumbar spinal decompression surgery
- Mallet finger injury discharge advice
- Manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA) and arthroscopic capsular release (ACR) surgery
- Metatarsal and foot fractures discharge advice
- Metatarsus adductus (inward turning foot)
- Modified Dunn's procedure for slipped upper femoral epiphysis in children
- Your admission to the Orthopaedic Elective Unit (Redlands)
- Osgood Schlatter's condition
- Osteoarthritis of the knee advice and exercises
- Platelet-rich plasma injection
- Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and rehabilitation surgery
- Proximal femoral derotation osteotomy
- Proximal humerus fracture in children
- Radial head or neck fracture discharge advice
- Redlands Orthopaedic Centre amenity rooms
- Removing your child's K-wires in the Orthopaedic Outpatient Department
- Reverse Geometry Shoulder Replacement Apr23
- Rib fractures discharge advice
- Rotator cuff repair surgery
- Scarf osteotomy (bunion repair)
- Serial casting
- Sever's apophysitis of the heel
- Shoulder active and assisted exercises
- Shoulder injuries discharge exercise advice
- Shoulder replacement surgery
- Soft tissue injury of the elbow (children)
- Spinal microdiscectomy
- Stabilisation of the acromioclavicular joint
- Steroid injection in the hand
- Morton's neuroma surgery
- Upper limb Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)
- Taking care of your removable cast
- Tarso metatarsal joint fusion surgery
- Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
- Tibialis posterior tendon repair or reconstruction surgery
- Toe fractures discharge advice
- Total ankle replacement surgery
- Trapeziumectomy (hand surgery)
- Trigger finger treatment options
- Trigger thumb surgery (children)
- Trigger thumb (children)
- Triple arthrodesis (foot surgery)
- Type I supracondylar fracture of the humerus
- Ulnar nerve decompression surgery
- Wrist injuries discharge advice
- Atropine 1% drops for refraction
- Atropine 1% treatment for amblyopia
- Children's eye test (refraction)
- Children's glasses
- Contact Lens Clinic
- Cyclopentolate 1% eye drops
- Eye focusing problems in young people
- Keratoconus Monitoring Clinic
- Patching treatment for amblyopia (lazy eye)
- Sophie's visit to the Eye Clinic
- What is a squint?
- Adapted footwear
- Foot care advice for people with diabetes
- Guidelines for the use of cervical collars
- Guidelines for the use of corsets
- Guidelines for the use of spinal braces
- Guidelines for the use of trusses
- Guidelines for the use of compression stockings or hosiery
- Guidelines for the use of Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)
- Guidelines for the use of children's Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)
- Guidelines for the use of Functional Foot Orthoses (FFO) Insoles
- Guidelines for the use of Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO)
- Guidelines for the use of protective helmets
- Prescribed Footwear May23
- Pain Management Unit advice following treatment
- Alcohol coeliac plexus block
- Alcohol lumbar sympathectomy
- Alcohol pelvic sympathectomy
- Berkshire Long COVID Integrated Service (BLIS) Clinic
- BLIS Road To Recovery after COVID-19
- Capsaicin cream
- Cervical epidural injection
- Cervical facet joint injection
- Cervical facet joint radiofrequency denervation
- Cervical nerve root block
- Coeliac plexus block
- Lidocaine 5% plaster
- Lumbar facet joint injection
- Lumbar facet joint radiofrequency denervation
- Lumbar nerve root block
- Lumbar sympathectomy
- Lumbar or caudal epidural injection
- Pain relief on leaving hospital after orthopaedic surgery
- Pelvic sympathectomy
- Pulsed radiofrequency of a cervical nerve root
- Pulsed radiofrequency of a lumbar nerve root
- Pulsed radiofrequency of a thoracic nerve root
- Qutenza patch
- Sacro-iliac joint injection
- Sacro iliac joint radiofrequency denervation
- Stellate ganglion block
- TENS (transcutaneous nerve stimulation)
- Thoracic facet joint injection
- Thoracic facet joint radiofrequency denervation
- Trigger point injection
- Pain relief - Understanding your medication
- Pain Management Unit waiting for treatment
- Xplore Pain Management Programme
- Hospital Palliative Care Counselling Service
- Hospital Palliative Care Team
- Hospital Palliative Care Team (large print version)
- Hospital Palliative Care Team Discharge Planning (East Berkshire)
- Hospital Palliative Care Team Discharge Planning (Oxfordshire)
- Hospital Palliative Care Team Discharge Planning (West Berkshire)
- No decision about me without me - Advance Care Planning
- Opioid Therapy
- Painkillers and driving
- What to expect when someone is dying
- Syringe pump
- Access to health records application form
- Access to health records application form (LARGE PRINT)
- Changing your hospital doctor or getting a second opinion
- Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)
- How to see your health records
- How we use your personal information
- Carer information and Carer Passport
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) - Easy Read version
- Next of Kin
- Overnight accommodation near the Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Preventing pressure ulcers
- Return of tissue in formaldehyde
- Warfarin
- What happens to blood and tissue samples taken during treatment
- Generic Abiraterone
- Getting your child's pharmacy medications out of hours
- Home Parenteral Nutrition and Intravenous Fluid advice
- Intravenous Iron Therapy
- Pharmacy Homecare Medicines Service
- Tolvaptan for the treatment of adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
- Unlicensed Medicines
- Acupuncture patient guide (Physiotherapy)
- Acute meniscal tears - Non-operative management
- Advanced above knee amputee exercises
- Advanced below knee amputee exercises
- Total hip replacement advice and exercises
- Total knee replacement - advice and exercises following surgery
- Plantar fasciitis advice and exercises
- Anal sphincter muscle strengthening exercises
- Ankle range of movement exercises
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury: Non-operative management
- Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery advice and exercises for inpatients
- Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction advice and exercises
- Anterior knee pain advice and exercises
- Arthroscopic capsular release (ACR) / Hydrodilatation / Manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA) advice and exercises
- Arthroscopic (keyhole) or open anterior stabilisation advice and exercises
- Arthroscopic (keyhole) or open posterior stabilisation advice and exercises
- Exercises for Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA)
- Back pain advice
- Bed exercises and stretches
- Cannulated screw fixation advice and exercises
- Cervical disc replacement advice and exercises
- Cervical fusion advice and exercises
- Clavicle fracture open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) advice and exercises
- Congenital muscular torticollis to the right side (children)
- Degenerative meniscal tears advice and exercises
- Distal femoral replacement (knee replacement) advice and exercises
- Dynamic hip screw advice and exercises
- Dyspareunia
- Exercises and advice to help you recover after surgery
- Bed rest exercises
- Traction exercises
- Arthroscopic subacromial decompression and/or acromioclavicular joint excision discharge advice
- Latarjet repair advice and exercises
- Finger exercises for children
- Finger exercises
- Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) management options
- Gamma nail advice and exercises
- Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS)
- High tibial valgus osteotomy and distal femoral varus osteotomy
- Hinged knee brace
- Hip arthroscopy staged rehabilitation
- Hip hemiarthroplasty advice and exercises
- Hip resurfacing advice and exercises
- Hypermobility in children over 5 years of age
- Hypermobility in children under 5 years of age
- Incomplete emptying of the bladder
- Microdiscectomy advice and exercises
- Inter-medullary nail fixation of the femur advice and exercises
- Interferential therapy patient guide (Physiotherapy)
- Intrinsic hand muscle exercises
- LARS ligament stabilisation for the acromioclavicular joint
- Limb surgery involving an Ilizarov frame
- Lumbar decompression or discectomy advice and exercises
- Lumbar disc replacement advice and exercises
- Lumbar spinal fusion advice and exercises
- Mechanical or manual cervical traction patient guide (Physiotherapy)
- Mechanical or manual lumbar traction patient guide (Physiotherapy)
- Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction advice and exercises
- Obstructed defaecation syndrome (ODS)
- Amputee Outpatient Service
- Overactive bladder training: Physio advice
- Pelvic floor strengthening and relaxation exercises for men
- Perthes - General information for parents and carers
- Perthes - Range of movement exercises
- Perthes - Strengthening exercises
- Phantom limb pain
- Physiotherapy following an ankle fracture
- Physiotherapy management of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain
- Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction advice and exercises
- Proximal femoral osteotomy advice and exercises
- Proximal femoral replacement advice and exercises
- Pulsed shortwave therapy patient guide (Physiotherapy)
- Revision total hip replacement advice and exercises
- Rheumatology physiotherapy exercises
- Rotator cuff repair advice and exercises
- Stage 1 exercises (medical physiotherapy)
- Stage 2 exercises (medical physiotherapy)
- Stage 3 exercises (medical physiotherapy)
- Standing lower limb exercises
- Strength and conditioning exercise class
- TheraPutty hand strengthening exercises
- Tibial osteotomy advice and exercises
- Total hip replacement (following trauma) advice and exercises
- Total shoulder replacement discharge advice
- Ultrasound therapy patient guide (Physiotherapy)
- Physiotherapy Outpatients Department welcome
- Wrist (distal radius) fracture conservative (non-operative) management
- Wrist (distal radius) fracture surgical management
- Wrist strengthening exercises
- Abdomen and pelvis ultrasound
- Abdomen and renal tract ultrasound
- Abdomen ultrasound
- Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of your thyroid nodule aftercare advice
- Angioplasty aftercare advice (Radiology)
- Angioplasty and arterial stent insertion
- Antegrade ureteric stent insertion aftercare advice
- Antegrade ureteric stenting
- Arterial embolisation of uterine fibroids
- Arthrogram
- Bone biopsy
- Cardiac CT scan (CTCA)
- Pregnancy status check of females of childbearing age before a radiology procedure
- Coil (IUD) retrieval
- Colonic stent insertion aftercare advice
- Endoscopic and radiological colonic stent insertion
- CT colonography or virtual colonoscopy
- CT guided biopsy of the abdomen
- CT guided lung biopsy
- CT or ultrasound guided percutaneous liver biopsy (inpatients)
- CT or ultrasound guided percutaneous liver biopsy
- Cystogram
- Cyst sclerosis
- Discogram
- DVT removal and venous stenting
- Fine needle aspiration (FNA) aftercare advice
- Fistulaplasty aftercare advice
- Fistuloplasty or venoplasty under a nerve block
- RIG tube removal and balloon gastrostomy insertion - aftercare advice
- Radiology examination results
- GP X-ray referrals Walk In and Appointment Services
- Barium meal and follow through
- Barium proctogram
- Barium swallow / meal
- Barium video swallow
- CT colon scan (long preparation)
- CT myelogram
- CT scan (adults)
- CT scan for a CAPD leak
- CT scan with therapeutic injection
- Micturating cystogram (adults)
- Micturating cystogram (children)
- MRI enterography
- Musculoskeletal, neck or testicular ultrasound
- Myelogram
- Transit bowel study
- Abdomen or pelvis CT scan
- Injection during an ultrasound
- MRI scan (adults)
- Having an X-ray
- Image guided abdominal or pelvic biopsy
- Image guided ascitic drainage
- Image guided biopsy aftercare advice
- Image guided biopsy of lung pleura or mediastinum aftercare advice
- Image guided injection of steroid and local anaesthetic aftercare advice
- Image guided lumbar puncture aftercare advice
- Image guided nerve root injection aftercare advice
- Image guided drainage
- Implantable catheter port system (Port-a-cath) insertion and removal
- Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) filter insertion aftercare advice
- Percutaneous biliary drain insertion
- IVC filter insertion or removal
- Mammogram
- Midline catheter insertion
- Nephrostomy aftercare advice
- Insertion of a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) Patient Consent
- Midline catheter insertion patient consent
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Penile MRI scan
- Penile doppler ultrasound
- Percutaneous nephrostomy
- Percutaneous sclerotherapy aftercare advice
- Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogam (PTC) with biliary stent insertion aftercare advice
- Percutaneous lung biopsy
- Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) insertion
- Prostate artery embolisation (PAE)
- Radiation risks from common X-ray examinations
- Radiofrequency ablation of a kidney tumour aftercare advice
- Radiological procedures under sedation
- Radiologically inserted gastrostomy (RIG tube) aftercare advice
- Suspected physical abuse radiology investigations
- Radiology Team
- Requesting same sex health care professionals
- Sacroplasty treatment of sacral fracture with bone cement
- Salivary duct dilatation and stone removal aftercare
- Sedation aftercare (Radiology)
- Sialogram
- Skin care following high dose interventional CT procedures
- Skin care following high dose interventional fluoroscopy procedures
- Skin tunnelled catheter (Hickman) insertion and removal
- Superficial image guided biopsy aftercare advice
- Suprapubic catheter insertion aftercare advice
- Thoracic nerve root block
- Thoracic and lumbar facet joint injection
- Thoracic and lumbar nerve root block
- Thyroid nodule treatment by percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
- Ultrasound guided lymph node or superficial mass biopsy
- Ultrasound guided supra-pubic catheter insertion
- Urethrogram
- Urinary or renal tract ultrasound
- Uterine fibroid embolisation aftercare advice
- Varicocele embolisation aftercare advice
- Varicocele embolisation
- Vascular malformations and their management
- Venous or arterial duplex ultrasound
- Vertebroplasty (repair of vertebrae with bone cement)
- Vertebroplasty aftercare advice
- Water soluble contrast enema
- CT colonography aftercare
- West Berkshire Community Hospital X-ray and scanning procedures
- Adult polycystic kidney disease
- Kidney biopsy aftercare advice
- Anti Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBM) Disease
- Kidney failure - The basics
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
- Care home advice - Care of fistulas and grafts
- Chest line problems (dialysis)
- Choosing not to have dialysis
- Diabetic kidney damage
- Fistula or graft problems (dialysis)
- Kidney Transplant Waiting List - information for patients
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) - Going on holiday
- Fistulaplasty or venoplasty with local anaesthetic and sedation
- Fistulogram
- Venogram
- Arterio venous (AV) fistula
- Hypertension (high blood pressure) and your kidneys
- Idiopathic Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
- Kidney transplant - Information for patients thinking about having one
- Kidney biopsy
- Kidney disease and anaemia
- Kidney disease and bones
- Kidney disease and fluid intake
- Kidney disease and immunisation
- Kidney stones
- Living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- Fluid balance management
- Minimal Change Glomerulonephritis (GN)
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Peritonitis
- Advance Care Planning - Planning your future (renal patients)
- Potassium and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- CAPD catheter radiological insertion
- Haemodialysis tunnelled catheter removal
- Renal Remote Monitoring
- Renal social workers
- Renal Team contact details
- Renal Virtual Telephone Clinic
- Split line
- Starting haemodialysis
- Starting peritoneal dialysis (PD)
- CAPD catheter surgical insertion
- CAPD catheter surgical removal
- Transplant kidney biopsy
- Tunnelled line insertion for haemodialysis (HD)
- Urinalysis home kit instructions
- Victoria Ward welcome
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) - What is it?
- Non-dialysis care
- Kidney transplant - Post transplant care
- Tenckhoff catheter insertion aftercare advice
- Ambulatory oxygen therapy asssessment
- Ambulatory oxygen therapy (portable oxygen)
- BCG vaccination checklist (English)
- Blood tests in the Respiratory Medicine Department (Chest Clinic)
- Breath stacking with or without a lung volume recruitment bag
- Bronchoscopy
- BCG vaccination site aftercare
- Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
- CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
- Diagnostic and therapeutic pleural (lung) aspiration
- Endobronchial ultrasound
- Going home from hospital with oxygen
- Grounding techniques to help with anxiety
- Home non-invasive ventilation
- Indwelling pleural catheter insertion
- Intercostal chest drain insertion
- Kennet and Loddon Unit welcome
- Latent TB and chemoprophylaxis
- Long Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT)
- Mantoux test checklist
- Mantoux test
- Nebulised Colomycin
- Non-Pulmonary TB and your treatment
- Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
- Proning for patients with Coronavirus (Covid-19)
- Pulmonary embolism (PE)
- Pulmonary rehabilitation Education Programme
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation - Helping manage your lung condition
- Pulmonary rehabilitation after COVID
- Pulmonary rehabilitation exercises
- Pulmonary TB and your treatment
- Recovering from Covid-19 - Useful resources
- Respiratory Physiotherapy Team
- SAM suction unit user guide
- Snoring and what you can do about it
- Stop cough exercise
- Stretches for patients with Hyperventilating dysfunctional breathing
- Talc pleurodesis
- Tuberculosis (TB) and diet
- Tuberculosis (TB): Are you new to the UK?
- Cough Assist - Using it at home
- Basic life support for babies
- Basic life support for children
- Common joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagram
- Typical synovial joint diagram
- Denosumab (Prolia) drug treatment for osteoporosis
- Zoledronate (Aclasta) drug treatment for osteoporosis
- Rheumatology medication - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Further investigations following a recent fracture
- Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) - What now checklist
- Suspected inflammatory arthritis
- Alendronate (Alendronic acid / Fosamax /Binosto) drug treatment for osteoporosis
- Risedronate (Risedronate Sodium / Actonel) drug treatment for osteoporosis
- Inflammatory arthritis - Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
- Reducing the dose of your Biologic Therapies
- Rheumatology patient initiated follow-up (PIFU)
- Rheumatology Telephone Advice Line
- Welcome to Battle Day Unit
- Castle Ward welcome
- Child Protection - Why a medical examination has been requested
- Child Protection - Why we follow a child protection process
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding (DoLS)
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Safeguarding adults from abuse and neglect
- Mental Health Units Use off Force Act 2005 (Seni's Law)
- About Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy
- Cognitive Therapy thought record
- Different ways to take the Combined Pill
- Florey@Home test kit instructions - Pack 1 (female genitals)
- Florey@Home test instructions - Pack 2 (male genitals)
- Florey@Home test instructions - Pack 3 (men with men)
- Mindfulness self-touch
- Ordering your Florey medication
- Coil fitting and removal - pain relief
- Pelvic floor awareness for men
- Pelvic floor awareness for women
- Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy in detail
- Psychosexual Therapy practicalities
- Psychosexual Therapy - your service agreement
- Psychosexual Therapy
- Self focus for women
- Sugammadex contraception advice
- Florey@Home Home Test of Cure (TOC) kit instructions
- Vaginal dilator exercises for Psychosexual Therapy
- Aphasia
- Apraxia of speech (verbal dyspraxia)
- Level 3 liquidised diet (ASLT LDDSI)
- Level 4 puree diet (ASLT LDDSI)
- Level 5 diet minced and moist (ASLT LDDSI)
- Level 6 diet soft and bite sized (ASLT LDDSI)
- Level 7 easy chew diet (ASLT LDDSI)
- Asthma and the voice
- Voice change after intubation
- Cognitive communication disorder (CCD)
- Dysarthria (speech disorder)
- Effortful swallow pharyngeal strengthening exercises
- Falsetto laryngeal (voice box) lift pharyngeal strengthening exercise
- Feeding for comfort
- Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallow (FEES)
- HAWK base of tongue strengthening exercises
- Jaw opening exercises for patients with head and neck cancer
- Laryngospasm
- Level 1: Slightly thick fluids
- Level 2: Mildly thick fluids
- Level 3: Moderately thick fluids
- Level 4: Extremely thick fluids
- Masako swallow base of tongue strengthening exercises
- Mendelsohn laryngeal hold pharyngeal strengthening exercises
- Mouth care for patients (general)
- Mouth care for people with dementia
- Mouth care for people with swallowing difficulties
- Oral stimulation and mouth care for people with swallowing difficulties
- Shaker laryngeal lift pharyngeal strengthening exercises
- Speaking valves - voice after laryngectomy
- Supraglottic swallow airway protection exercises
- Swallowing exercises guide for patients with head and neck cancer
- Tongue base strengthening exercises
- Valve changing and out of hours services - voice after laryngectomy
- Vocal cord palsy
- Vocal fold polyps
- Voice care tips for a healthy voice
- Voice change after Covid-19
- Voice therapy
- Low fibre diet for patients with a new ileostomy
- Help with pancaking of your stoma
- Stoma Service
- Topical silver nitrate treatment for peristomal granulomas
- 28 day food and bowel diary
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) open repair
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
- Abdomino-perineal resection of the rectum (APER)
- Full thickness skin graft aftercare advice
- Split thickness skin graft aftercare advice
- Direct closure of a wound with stitches aftercare advice
- Minor plastic surgery aftercare advice
- Anorectal physiology studies
- Biofeed exercise technique
- Biofeedback Treatment Clinic
- Blood transfusions and use of blood products during surgery
- Bowel habit questionnaire
- Bowel surgery with Enhanced Recovery
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Delorme surgery for rectal prolapse
- Effective techniques for opening your bowels
- Endovascular aortic repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
- Endovenous ablation of varicose veins under general anaesthetic
- Endovenous ablation of varicose veins under local anaesthetic
- Extended right hemicolectomy
- Femoral to femoral crossover surgery
- Femoral endarterectomy
- Femoral popliteal bypass surgery
- 5-day food and bowel diary
- Foam sclerotherapy treatment for varicose veins
- Gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) surgery
- High anterior resection
- Holding on exercises
- Hopkins Ward admission for elective (planned) surgery
- Intermittent claudication
- Interrupting anticoagulation or antiplatelet drugs in readiness for a procedure or operation
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (keyhole gallbladder surgery)
- Laparoscopic (keyhole) groin surgery for hernia
- Low anterior resection
- Managing wind (flatus incontinence)
- Operation under local anaesthetic
- Haemorrhoid (piles) outpatient treatment options
- Panproctocolectomy
- Pelvic Floor Telephone Clinic
- Plenvu bowel prep for an afternoon appointment
- Plenvu bowel prep for a morning appointment
- Recovering quicker from surgery
- Rectal repair - Laparoscopic (keyhole) rectopexy
- Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) returning for further investigations
- Right hemicolectomy
- Shave excision with curettage and cautery
- Sigmoid colectomy
- Surgery for gastro oesophageal reflux disease
- General Surgical Unit discharge
- Varicose vein surgery
- Venous thromboembolism (blood clot) prevention
- Emmer Green Ward welcome (vascular patients only)
- Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) welcome
- Wexner constipation questionnaire
- Wide local excision - What is it and why do I need it?
- Active surveillance patient plan
- Artificial urinary sphincter surgery
- Botulinum Toxin A treatment for overactive bladder (outpatients)
- Botulinum toxin treatment for an overactive bladder (under general anaesthetic)
- Penile cancer
- Catheter removal following radical prostatectomy
- Circumcision using general anaesthetic
- Circumcision under local anaesthetic
- Clinical outcome capture data (Urology)
- Cystectomy and formation of ileal conduit: Enhanced Recovery Programme
- Cystectomy and formation of neobladder: Enhanced recovery programme
- Cystoscopy for inpatients (Urology)
- Deflux treatment for stress incontinence
- Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for treatment of kidney stones - Aftercare advice
- Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for treatment of ureteric stones - Aftercare advice
- Flexible cystoscopic laser ablation of a bladder tumour aftercare advice
- Flexible cystoscopy aftercare advice
- Gardasil 9 Consent Form
- Gardasil 9 Vaccine
- Hormone therapy patient plan
- Intravesical BCG treatment following TURBT
- Intravesical Epirubicin chemotherapy for inpatients following TURBT
- Intravesical Epirubicin chemotherapy for outpatients following TURBT
- Intravesical Mitomycin treatment for inpatients following TURBT
- Intravesical Mitomycin treatment for outpatients following TURBT
- Lithotripsy
- Urinary catheter care
- Lymph node surgery for cancer of the penis - Preventing lymphoedema
- Male Fertility Clinic (Urology)
- Male sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence
- Nephrectomy (kidney removal): Enhanced recovery programme
- One Stop Urology Clinic welcome
- Prostate biopsy aftercare advice
- Radical prostatectomy patient plan
- Rectal spacers
- Rezum for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- Robotic assisted laparoscopic (keyhole) radical prostatectomy
- Prostate cancer - Starting hormone treatments
- Transperineal ultrasound and prostate biopsy
- Trial without a catheter (TWOC)
- Trans Urethral Laser Ablation (TULA) treatment of reoccurring bladder tumours
- Urology patient initiated follow-up (PIFU)
- Watchful waiting patient plan
- Testicular cancer surgery - what happens next?
- Prostate cancer - What to expect following a diagnosis
- Test Leaflet
- Bilateral (both legs) amputee exercises
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Non Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Baker's Cyst
- Superficial Thrombophlebitis
- Hospital Palliative Care Team (Easy Read version)
- Video consultations via DrDoctor
- Battle Day Escalation Unit
- Welcome to the Short Stay Unit (SSU)
- Welcome to the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) and Higher Monitoring Unit (HMU)
- Pre-labour rupture of membranes (PRoM)
- Reduced fetal movements - Kicks Count information
- Threatened preterm labour - what are the signs?
- Preterm birth clinic
- Family bays trial - Information for partners
- Family bays trial - Information for you
- Information for parents of babies born early around 22 to 24 weeks
- Information for parents of babies born at around 25 weeks gestation
- Hepatitis B: screening care in pregnancy and protecting your baby
- In utero transfer - what does this mean?
- Looking after your PEG-J feeding tube
- Parenteral nutrition
- What to expect at your Fertility clinic visit
- Cervical stitch (RCOG)
- Alternative feeding methods - cup or finger feeding
- Healthcare travel costs scheme
- Welcome to the Kidney Care Clinic
- Bipolar disorder in pregnancy
- Birth after previous caesarean: RCOG information
- Breastfeeding advice for mothers having a nuclear medicine test
- Carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring during pregnancy
- Welcome to the Berkshire Cancer Centre Outpatient Clinic
- Newborn hearing screen program information (RBFT)
- Coronavirus: Parent information for newborn babies
- Breast cancer skin reaction checklist
- Flu vaccinations in pregnancy
- Robotic aquablation for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
- Iron infusion risks and side effects
- Covid-19 Haematology and Oncology (cancer) advice
- Post-Sepsis Syndrome
- Insertable cardiac monitor removal
- Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) R445 for women with previous positive Trisomy result
- Surgery, anaesthesia and high body mass index (BMI)
- Menieres Disease
- Why do I need to see a specialist in the next two weeks?
- Pre-term birth: Information for parents of babies born early around 22 to 24 weeks gestation
- Preterm birth: Information for parents of babies born early around 25 weeks gestation
- Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists - Patient information translations
- Shoulder dystocia: RCOG information
- Assisted vaginal birth (ventouse or forceps): RCOG information
- Chickenpox in pregnancy: RCOG information
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies: RCOG information
- Genital herpes in pregnancy: RCOG information
- Gestational diabetes: RCOG information
- Pregnancy sickness (nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum)
- Central serous retinopathy (CSR)
- Renogram scan for children
- Meckel's diverticulum scan for children
- Indirect cystogram (IDC) scan for children
- DCR (tear drainage surgery) aftercare advice
- Water drinking test for glaucoma
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Ankle injuries discharge advice (Virtual Clinic)
- Admission for the repair of bone fractures
- Squint surgery aftercare (adults)
- Anti-viral drugs for recurrent herpes - long term use (information for GPs)
- Reducing vocal tension using humming exercises and lip trills
- Reinke's oedema
- Vocal cord nodules
- Intravenous (IV) iron therapy for renal patients
- Wheeze management - children under 5 years old
- Overactive bladder - Your do's and dont's: Physio advice
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
- Gastric band surgery (LAGB)
- Gastric band adjustment
- Base of thumb arthritis
- Dorrell Ward welcome
- Grommet aftercare information for GPs
- Uni-compartmental knee replacement advice and exercises
- Pregnancy related symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD): Physio advice
- Hydrogen and methane breath test for people with diabetes
- Urodynamic study (Urology)
- Flow rate test
- Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT)
- Eating well in hospital
- End of life - Nutritional considerations for patients nearing the end of life
- Anti D immunoglobulin - receiving in pregnancy
- Transitional Care Unit welcome
- MSSA / MRSA decolonisation therapy using Octenisan / Bactroban for renal patients
- MSSA / MRSA decolonisation therapy using Hibiscrub and Bactroban for renal patients
- MSSA / MRSA decolonisation using Octenisan / Naseptin for renal patients
- Foot and ankle stretches following serial casting
- Reducing or pausing medication immediately before surgery
- Coil string checking - Guide to checking your IUD or IUS is in place
- Bladder diary (Elderly Care)
- Bowel care - How can I look after my bowel (Elderly Care)
- Bladder and bowel leakage prevention exercises (Elderly Care)
- Healthy Joint Group: Week 1 Introduction
- Healthy Joint Group: Week 2 Exercises
- Healthy Joint Group: Week 3 Managing flare ups and pacing
- Healthy Joint Group: Week 4 Pain, mood and anxiety
- Healthy Joint Group: Week 5 Healthy eating
- Discharge Lounge welcome
- Robot-Assisted Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
- Laryngeal papilloma
- Voice warm up and warm down exercises
- Early termination of pregnancy: BPAS information
- Sonning ward discharge information
- Placenta praevia
- Vasa praevia
- Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS)
- Preparing your skin prior to surgery
- Common health problems in pregnancy
- Hand passive range of movement exercises
- Level 3 Thenar muscle strengthening exercises
- Wrist active range of movement exercises
- Reducing acute swelling in arthritis
- Reducing chronic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis of the carpo metacarpal thumb joint
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
- Methotrexate for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
- Type 1 Diabetes in young people guide
- Looking after a balloon gastrostomy tube (AMT 14FR)
- Criteria-Led Discharge
- Peri-Operative Medicine Clinic
- Head injury, concussion and return to activity and sport (adults)
- Head injury, concussion and return to activity and sport (children)
- Helping children (over 1 year old) make the most of what they eat
- Advice for people with insulin, Glucagon like peptide agonists GLP1 injections and / or tablet controlled diabetes undergoing surgery
- Intravesical Gentamicin treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Double vision (diplopia)
- Fresnel prism for diplopia (double vision)
- Dietary considerations before your bariatric (weight loss) surgery)
- Living with sight loss
- Ambulatory hip and knee surgery
- Admission to the Children's Trauma Orthopaedic Unit
- Haemodialysis at home
- VACU Complex bone and joint infection
- VACU Alcohol detox
- VACU Coronavirus (Covid-19)
- Bereavement support: Information and guidance to help you following the loss of your child
- Cataracts and cataract surgery in children
- GOV.UK Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women
- Patient therapy equipment
- Radium 223 for treatment of bone metastases from prostate cancer
- How to protect your baby from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- PANJABI - How to protect your baby from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- Metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD)
- Shoulder hemiathroplasty discharge advice
- URDU - How to protect your baby from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- UKRANIAN - How to protect your baby from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- NEPALI - How to protect your baby from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- PORTUGUESE - How to protect your baby from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- Reverse geometry shoulder replacement discharge advice
- Living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) - good nutrition
- Cancer Prehab - Helping you to prepare for treatment
- Bulbar mucosal graft urethroplasty aftercare
- FODMAP Gentle Approach for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Nutrition for improving muscle strength
- Breast Screening Assessment Clinic - what to expect
- Congenital muscular torticollis to the left side (children)
- Testicular ultrasound
- DVT (deep vein thrombosis) ultrasound
- Oxford Fetal Medicine Unit - referral information
- Nuchal translucency (NT) 3.5mm or over
- Weaning your baby - additional information
- Antenatal booking pack and Covid information for your pregnancy
- Exercising with a pelvic organ prolapse
- Accidental awareness under anaesthesia
- Fetal renal pelvic dilatation (RPD)
- 300 kcal boosters
- Postnatal discharge pack
- Group B Strep and pregnancy
- Knee arthroscopy advice and exercises
- Advice to help maintain good nutrition
- Home vision check after cataract surgery
- Insulin Self-Management Scheme for diabetes
- D negative mother’s blood test during pregnancy
- Asthma - my plan (children)
- Wheeze management - children 5 years and over
- Renal denervation for hypertension
- Intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy (ICP)
- Deactivating an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) device
- Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Assessment Unit
- HIV - explaining the screening result for maternity service users
- Household gadgets and adaptations
- Smoking Cessation - Support to stop smoking
- Ultrasound guided suprapubic catheter insertion
- Steroid hip injection
- Understanding the risks and benefits of a Caesarean Birth animation
- Haemodialysis Education Pack
- MRIs and cochlear implants
- Bruising in immobile children: What's going on?
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Practical advice for going home (with care support)
- Safer sleep for babies
- Tracheostomy
- Protein-rich low-fibre snacks
- Clonidine test (children)
- Glucagon test (children)
- LHRH (Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone) test (children)
- Short Synacthen test (children)
- Get Up, Get Dressed and Get Moving
- Wound care after surgery - preventing infection
- Taking your baby home on low-flow oxygen
- Hip spica - caring for your child
- Bariatric (weight loss) surgery - dietary advice following your surgery
- Day Surgery Unit at West Berkshire Community Hospital
- Soft contact lens care
- Soft contact lens care
- Rigid gas permeable contact lens care
- FAQs
- Accessibility
- Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust Privacy Policy
- Contact Us
- Careers
- Error
- Get Winter Ready and support your NHS
- Single point of access phoneline for referring partners
- Research