Contact details
Early Pregnancy Team 0118 322 7181
Admin Team 0118 322 8964
Sonning Ward 0118 322 8204
Fertility Clinic Appointments 0118 322 8785
Fertility Clinic Nursing Advice Line 0118 322 7286
Level 5, Maternity Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
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Patient information leaflets

Gynaecology provides a range of general and specialist services for women with gynaecological needs.
The conditions we commonly manage include problems relating to periods, any abnormal vaginal bleeding, ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometrial polyps, vulval concerns, pelvic pain, painful sex, endometriosis, sub-fertility, recurrent miscarriage, urinary incontinence, utero-vaginal prolapse, suspected or confirmed gynaecological cancers, and abnormal cervical screening.
We also see and support women with complications in early pregnancy including miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. We provide high quality advice and guidance to GPs to help manage simple gynaecological conditions without the need for a formal referral.
We run outpatient clinics throughout the week where women can be seen face to face or virtually according to their needs and preferences. Once your GP has referred you, we will then ensure you are seen in the most appropriate clinic. We may also arrange an ultrasound scan for you before your appointment.
If you’re receiving gynaecology care here at the Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust, you may be asked to receive your treatment in a hospital in Oxfordshire or Buckinghamshire if you’re able to travel there. This is to provide you with care more quickly.