Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
98 People
Number of people in A&E department
0:33 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:34 Hours
Average time in the department


How we try to ensure accessibility for all

We’re committed to making sure our websites and digital content are accessible to as many people as possible, and we're continuing to look for new ways of sharing our information.

Please contact us if you're having any difficulties with accessing information on our website.

Some of the guidelines we follow:

  • We try to use clear, simple language
  • We use colours that have enough contrast to ensure that type is legible

We also include the Reachdeck accessibility and translation tool on each page to help everyone understand our website.

Use Reachdeck accessibility and translation tool to view our website and patient leaflets in 100 languages use accessibility support such as:

  • text-to-speech functionality
  • text magnification to enlarge text and read it aloud
  • screen masking to allow neurodiverse audiences to reduce distractions
  • a webpage simplifier to reduce sensory stimulation for people with Autism
  • a picture dictionary to display word meaning through illustration

Do you need help viewing our website?

You can make this and any other website easier to read by changing the size text, making your mouse pointer easier to see, magnifying the screen and changing the colours of the background and text.

Find out more about how to change these settings on AbilityNet's simple guides to adapt your phone, computer or tablet to meet your needs. 

What accessibility support is available to patients and visitors