Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
143 People
Number of people in A&E department
2:11 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:30 Hours
Average time in the department

Contact details

0118 322 7191


Sonning Ward
Level 5, Maternity Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
Berkshire RG1 5AN

Gynaecology Outpatients

We offer a wide range of general and specialist gynaecology clinics including colposcopy, outpatient hysteroscopy with Novasure and Myosure treatments, pre-op assessment, minor ops, uro-gynaecology, pelvic floor and pessary clinics as well as general appointments.

When we receive a GP referral, we will ensure that you are seen in the right clinic.

We may arrange an ultrasound scan before your appointment, as this can often help us to understand your condition a little better.

When you attend your appointment, you will be seen by the consultant or a member of their team and if any further diagnostic tests or treatment are required, these will be explained fully during your consultation.

Our clinics are busy, and we endeavour to keep to appointment times however you may experience some delays.  Please note that patients on hospital transport take priority on arrival. 

If you have any special requirements, please speak to the clinic co-ordinator on the day. If you require an foreign language or deaf interpreter please advise the clinic as soon as possible as we are unable to arrange interpreters at short notice.