Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
144 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:55 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:17 Hours
Average time in the department


Endoscopy means looking inside the body for medical reasons using an instrument called an endoscope. The unit deals with in and out patient day cases, of which we provide endoscopic investigation of the gastointestinal tract and bronchoscopies.

The Endoscopy Unit is on Craven Road, next to the Maternity block. Access to the unit is only from Craven Road and not through the main hospital.

There is a small car park for patients in front of the Endoscopy building, which you pay for when you leave. Parking is free for the first 30 minutes. 

There are disabled parking spaces near the entrance. The unit is fully accessible by wheelchair users.

Visitor Information

Visitors are not allowed, as this is a day case investigation area with no facilities for visitors. Patients can be dropped to the Endoscopy Unit front entrance by a friend or relative but, they will not be allowed to stay, they will be notified as to when a patient is ready to be collected to return home.

For lower gastrointestinal investigations please bring a dressing gown and slippers.

Please keep personal belongings and jewellery to a minimum.

If you are unable to keep an appointment for a lower gastrointestinal procedure we would appreciate a week's notice in order to offer this to another patient, due to the preparation required.

National accreditation with the JAG (Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy) through Royal College of Physicians.