Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
145 People
Number of people in A&E department
2:09 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:32 Hours
Average time in the department

Children's Wheelchair Clinic

We provide mobility services for children and young people across West Berkshire.

We support children aged 12 months and upwards who have severe, long-term degenerative physical difficulties and postural challenges and who require special seating and wheelchairs. 

Conditions we work with include cerebral palsy, neurological conditions, amputations, palliative care and cardio-vascular conditions.

Our team of highly-trained specialist staff provide holistic evidence-based assessments to provide bespoke mobility equipment for children and young people.

We are based in Outpatient Therapies, Battle Block at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. The East Berkshire Wheelchair service covers East Berkshire.

Most appointments take place in Reading but we also carry out home visits, when required, and provide clinics in schools.

We provide:

  • Electrical powered wheelchairs
  • Manual wheelchairs
  • Self-propelled wheelchairs
  • Children’s buggies
  • Modular seating
  • Specialist cushions
  • Moulded seating, manufactured on an individual basis.
  • We also repair and maintain all equipment. 
How we can help

Once you have seen a healthcare professional and they have referred you to our service, we'll book an appointment with you to assess your child's needs and give advice around accessories and specialist seating. This will take into consideration the child's disability, lifestyle, environment and safety. We'll aim to see your child within two weeks of referral.

When you come to us, we carry out postural assessments, take measurements and look at the level of mobility and how it is being managed. We then work out the best type of wheelchair to meet your child’s needs. Every wheelchair is unique.

Please don't be late to your appointment as we may not be able to see you. If you need to cancel, please call us as soon as possible. 

Repair and maintenance service

Our wheelchairs are maintained and repaired by Ross Care. Please call them to arrange collections or repairs. 

Call 0333 9992593 or

Call 0333 234 0303 (Option 2)

This service is available Monday to Friday 8am until 5pm, with an out of hours emergency repair service between 7am and 8am and 5pm and 11pm. At weekends and on bank holidays the emergency service operates between 7am and 11pm.

How to access support

If you are a parent or carer
To access our service, your child will need to be referred by a healthcare professional. Unfortunately we don’t accept self referrals.

If you are a healthcare professional
If you are a healthcare professional, you can complete our referral form below and send it to us. 
When you have completed all the data fields and you are ready to send the form, please submit it ….

If you are over the age of 17 and need support
If you are over the age of 17, please contact our Adult Wheelchair Service.

If the child/young person lives in East Berkshire
If you are living in the East Berkshire are, you will need to contact the wheelchair services provided by East Berkshire Wheelchair service.