Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
147 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:51 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:34 Hours
Average time in the department

Wheelchair Clinic

If you’re unable to walk within your home because of a long-term health condition, we may be able to provide you with a wheelchair.

West Berkshire Wheelchair Service provides wheelchairs and specialist seating services to the local community.  We also provide specialist paediatric services for children with posture and seating needs including clients with Cerebral Palsy; learning disabilities and motor function deficits.

Patients are seen in the most appropriate location for assessment such as wards, clinic, at home, community hospital, or special schools. Therapists work closely with clients to assess their requirements for wheelchair provision, including children who require specialist seating and buggies. We provide advice and training for users with their equipment, including powered wheelchair training. We provide specialist seating for those with complex needs and run a monthly custom made seating clinics. We also provide specialist pressure relief care for wheelchairs issued from the clinic.

Wheelchairs are issued from the department for patients on the wards, and in community hospitals who will be long term users require wheelchairs for prompt discharge.

How we can help

We can offer the right equipment for you if your mobility is affected by illnesses, such as:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Motor neurone disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Patients with spinal injuries
  • Amputations
  • Stroke

We offer both manual and powered wheelchairs, specialist children's buggies, and other supportive seating for indoor use ONLY and only provide wheelchairs to temporary users in exceptional circumstances.

We are not commissioned to provide electric wheelchairs for outdoor use only.  These may be available via the Mobility scheme.

For all communications, please use the following email address: Kindly note that the email account will be closed as of  30 January 2025.
Accessing our service

Referrals to us must be completed by a consultant, GP or registered healthcare professional.
If we have supported you before, you can contact us directly. 

Unfortunately, we don’t accept self-referrals if you’re new to our service.

Please don’t be late to your appointment as we may not be able to see you. If you need to cancel, please call us as soon as possible. 

Healthcare professional referrals

If you’re a healthcare professional, please complete our referral form, and send it to us. 

Call 0118 322 6706


For referrals for patients aged 17 and under, you can find more information about our mobility service for children and younger people from our Child and Young People Service

Repairing your wheelchair

Our wheelchairs are maintained and repaired by Ross Care. Please call them to arrange collections or repairs.

Their teams are available for contact and support from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. They have an out of hours emergency repair service between 7am and 8am and 5pm and 11pm.

At weekends and on bank holidays their emergency service operates between 7am and 11pm.

Call 0333 999 2593 and press option 2

Call 0333 234 0303

Visiting our service

Our Service is open 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

We hold regular clinics in the West Berkshire Wheelchair Clinic at Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading; West Berkshire Community Hospital in Thatcham; the MS Centre in Reading; Beecher Hall Nursing Home in Reading.

We are able to arrange appointments at home or residential home if the client is unable to attend a clinic. In special circumstances we will review clients in nursing homes.

How to find us:
From the multi storey car park, enter the hospital at level 2 and pass the reception and shops, turning right into Eye Block. Continue straight on into Battle Block. Take the lifts mid way along Battle Block down to level 1. Battle Block Outpatients & Therapies is on the left hand side. 

Telephone: 0118 322 6706 
