Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
145 People
Number of people in A&E department
2:03 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:22 Hours
Average time in the department


Physiotherapy works with people to identify and maximise their ability to move and function. We operate in a large acute hospital, with the physiotherapy service spanning over a diverse range of areas and specialities.

Specialist Services

Amputee Rehabilitation

Amputee patients are initially seen by the physiotherapists on the ward.

Amputee patients are initially seen by the physiotherapists on the ward. We then provide a twice weekly outpatient group, which patients attend both once they have been discharged from the hospital and on occasions, when still on the ward as an in patient.

We provide;

  • Education
  • exercise therapy
  • acupuncture (where appropriate)

Patients attend as part of an assessment process to decide if a prosthetic limb is appropriate. If this is the case, the patient will continue to attend the group after receiving their prosthetic limb, with the aim of returning to as full and independent life as possible.

Elderly Care Physiotherapy

It is our aim within the Elderly Care physiotherapy team to enable patients to recover their previous level of function wherever possible.

It is our aim within the Elderly Care physiotherapy team to help you to recover your previous level of function wherever possible and to prevent deterioration in mobility as a result of a stay in Hospital.

As a team we always try to provide a friendly service which will benefit all of our patients who need our service.

We use exercise to improve or maintain activity in our older patients and these are specific to each patient’s needs and condition.

The team covers 3 general medical wards, an orthopaedic rehabilitation ward as well as seeing patients in our strength and balance group.

We also run group sessions for people whose balance is compromised as identified in our ‘Falls Clinic’

Physiotherapists are also present in the Rapid assessment clinic for older people (RACOP).

We have a Wii Fit and use simple games as another means of regaining balance and strength.


A team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists, including specialist physiotherapists, work in this department and in orthopaedic and rheumatology clinics alongside consultants.

There are specialist physiotherapists in shoulders, hands, knees and hips, and hydrotherapy as well as rheumatology and women's health. Referrals are mostly received from consultants at Royal Berkshire, but a number of patients are referred from GPs for specialist physiotherapy opinion and treatment.

We treat people of any age although paediatric patients will be seen by the paediatric physiotherapy team where more appropriate.

Treatment is provided in group or individual sessions in our gym and department, or women's health rooms.

Treatment can include advice, exercise programmes, manual therapy, acupuncture, taping, pilates, hand splinting and electrotherapy.

Our aim is to facilitate patients' recovery and enable them to return to normal activities and sport where required.

Neuro Physiotherapy

We provide support for patients admitted to the Stroke Unit and the Neuro-rehabilitation unit.

Acute Stroke Unit

Everyone who is admitted to the stroke unit will have a full assessment from the physiotherapy team on the first full working day (Monday to Friday) after admission, if not on the day of admission.

The physiotherapy team works closely with:

  • occupational therapists
  • speech therapists
  • nurses
  • doctors.

We aim to help to begin the process of helping you to improve your levels of function and regain your independence.

We work towards the N.I.C.E. guidelines for stroke and provide 45 minutes of physiotherapy each working day to those patients who require it.

Physiotherapy can take place by the bedside, in the treatment room on the ward or in the gym.

We have strong links with the Early Supported Stroke Discharge to provide ongoing rehab following discharge from hospital

Neuro Rehabilitation Unit (NRU)

The NRU Physiotherapy team works closely with the Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Nurses, Doctors to carry on the process of improving and maximising their patients' function and regaining their independence.

If you are admitted to NRU, you will have a full assessment on the first working day. The rehab team will then meet to set some goals for you, which the rehabilitation programmes will help you to achieve.

Everyone will receive a weekly timetable with their therapy times on, and you are encouraged to be involved in structuring your day and rehab.

Meetings between the various professions (known as case conferences) are organised to help keep everyone involved up to date with progress and discharge planning. Meetings with your family are also arranged when needed.

Physiotherapy treatments mainly take place in the rehabilitation gym but sessions may occur on the ward, in the hydrotherapy pool and within the community.

We have strong links with community rehabilitation services to support continued rehab on discharge from hospital.

Shoulder and Elbow Physiotherapy

Our service provides specialist care for patients with various shoulder and/or elbow conditions.
Our service provides specialist care for anyone with various shoulder and/or elbow conditions.

Our team works in the outpatient physiotherapy department as well as in specialist shoulder and elbow clinics.

We work closely with the orthopaedic consultants to carry out specialist assessment and treatment.

Common conditions treated by the shoulder and elbow physiotherapy team include:

  • Shoulder impingement syndrome
  • Rotator cuff dysfunction
  • Shoulder instability
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Muscular dysfunction at the shoulder girdle
  • Arthritic conditions associated with the shoulder
  • Post-shoulder fracture
  • Post-shoulder dislocation
  • Post-operative rotator cuff repairs
  • Post-operative shoulder surgery
  • Tennis/golfers elbow
  • Elbow fracture

Physiotherapy treatment for shoulder and elbow conditions is likely to involve;

  • education
  • mobilisation/strengthening exercises
  • core stability exercises
  • proprioception exercises
  • sports/ function specific exercises.

Manual therapy and electrotherapy techniques may also be used in addition to other treatments.

Various post-operative groups take place to provide you with information and advice after surgery.

We also run rehabilitation classes which you may be invited to attend if the physiotherapist feels that these may help you to reach your goals.

Surgery Physiotherapy

Our physiotherapy surgery team consists of four physiotherapists and one physiotherapy assistant, based in South Block.

The team works on:

  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and covers
  • Four surgical wards – Hopkins, Dorrell, Heygroves and Trueta.

On ICU we provide respiratory physiotherapy, and start early rehabilitation to help with recovery post critical illness.

On the wards the physiotherapists assess and treat patients referred following major surgery or those deemed to have respiratory or mobility issues during their admission. The team are also responsible for beginning inpatient amputee rehabilitation.

Trauma and Orthopaedics Physiotherapy

Our Trauma and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy team are responsible for helping to mobilise you following an operation and to help you start your exercises.

We cover:

  • Trauma wards (Kennet & Loddon)
  • Elective orthopaedic wards (Trueta & Heygroves)
  • Adult and children’s day surgery units
  • Children over the age of 5 following trauma or orthopaedic surgery.

Our physio teams are based either on the elective orthopaedic wards or the trauma wards and if required elsewhere the nursing staff can call us.

On discharge from the ward it is also our responsibility to refer you to your local outpatient physiotherapy department for further rehabilitation.

We also participate in two pre-op educations groups with the nursing staff and occupational therapists;

  • pre-op total hip replacement group on Tuesdays in Physio East.
  • Total knee replacement group on Fridays.

Two of our senior Physiotherapists also work as extended scope practioners in orthopaedic clinics where they are responsible for reviewing any patient who has had a Total Knee replacement or Total Hip Replacement.

Women's Health

We offer assessment and treatment during Pregnancy and following childbirth for the following conditions;

  • Pelvic Girdle Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during Pregnancy
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence
  • Urinary urgency and urge incontinence
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
  • Separation of abdominal muscles

Specialist physiotherapy group sessions offered:

  • Pelvic girdle pain group - weekly on Wednesday afternoon (you will be seen earlier within 1-2 weeks of your referral from your GP/midwife/consultant and will be requested to book individual appointments after if needed).
  • Antenatal hydrotherapy group - If you are referred to physiotherapy for pelvic girdle pain during Pregnancy, you will be assessed and offered hydrotherapy sessions if suitable. You are encouraged to attend the sessions throughout your pregnancy.
  • Postnatal pilates group- If you are referred with separation of abdominal muscles following childbirth, you will be seen in the pilates group. You will be monitored regularly and your postnatal exercises will help you to return to fitness after birth.