Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
143 People
Number of people in A&E department
2:11 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:30 Hours
Average time in the department

Children's Physiotherapy

Children's Physiotherapy enable every child to reach their full physical and developmental potential.

Babies and young children are assessed and treated for a range of movement and mobility difficulties. We see children from 0-5 with developmental, genetic and neurological conditions. School-age children with long term physiotherapy needs are seen by Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapy (CYPIT) service.

Babies can be seen for conditions including torticollis, talipes and Erb’s palsy. Children can also be seen with limb and joint problems such as arthritis, Perthes and symptomatic hypermobility.

Older children with limb and joint problems from age 11 are seen by Physio East or the local service for their area.

We accept referrals from RBFT consultants (please refer through EPR), GPs and external consultants, and other therapists.

We see children admitted to the children’s wards, Lion, Dolphin, Buscot (special care baby unit) and maternity wards. The physiotherapists are also present in the Neurodisability, Cystic Fibrosis and Orthopaedic clinics with doctors, as well as running the Ponseti clinic for club foot management. 


Treatment is delivered in Dingley Specialist Children’s Centre in our child-friendly clinic rooms, or in our physiotherapy gym.

During the physiotherapy session we work with parents to help their child. We discuss the concerns and assess the child. When treatment is needed a plan is agreed which may include advice and treatment, home treatment plan, play-directed therapy for younger children, hydrotherapy, provision of equipment and fun! Children are mostly seen individually for treatment with their parents or carer present but we also run hydrotherapy groups. Sessions can last up to an hour. When more than one therapy is offered to a family, we will try our best to have joint appointments with the therapists involved.