Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
75 People
Number of people in A&E department
3:56 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
1:46 Hours
Average time in the department

Our Performance

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for rating the quality of care within every care provider across England.

CQC ratings for the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust:

  • Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust - Good
  • Royal Berkshire Hospital - Good

You can also see what patients and visitors say about us, and add a review yourself on the central NHS England 'Ratings and Reviews' page.

Tell us what you think.


Some of our achievements over the past year include:

  • Refurbishing two elderly care wards to make them more suitable for patients with dementia.
  • A new multidisciplinary movement disorder clinic dedicated to patients with Parkinson’s disease. The outpatient service allows for routine annual checks as well as rapid access to specialists.
  • Introducing new mobile chemotherapy unit to take care closer to home for cancer patients.
  • Installing two new MRI scanners at Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Our response to the Francis Report

The publication of the final report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry was released on the 6th February 2013.

The Francis report painted a picture of failings in patient care and at all levels of the NHS. We recognise the importance of this report and for all parties engaged in NHS services to consider the findings and recommendations and decide how to apply them to their own work.

The Trust Board had initial discussions in February 2013 about the significance and implications of the report. We have subsequently reviewed the recommendations of the Francis report in depth and the full response was discussed at the Trust Board meeting in July 2013.

We are determined to demonstrate in a transparent way that it takes the Francis report seriously and has therefore prioritised the key improvement themes alongside existing improvement programmes. The Trust Board is reviewing progress against these programmes on a regular basis.

We have identified several key themes to be considered:

  • Culture, behaviours and values – staff engagement, compassion and care, value based recruitment.
  • Complaint handling linked to the outcomes of the national review.
  • Candour – the Trust has an open reporting culture but recognises that its systems and processes can be further developed to demonstrate that it is following the “duty of candour” guidance.
  • Developing systems to provide relevant, timely data internally, externally and to our stakeholders.