Learning from deaths
Hundreds of patients come through our doors on a daily basis. Most patients receive treatment, get better and are able to return home or go to other care settings. Sadly, some patients will die here (approximately 1.8% of all admissions). While most deaths are unavoidable and would be considered to be “expected”, there will be cases where the standard of care in hospital may have contributed to the death. We are keen to take every opportunity to learn lessons to improve the quality of care for other patients and families.
A Care Quality Commission review in December 2016, “Learning, Candour and Accountability” found that some providers were not giving learning from deaths sufficient priority and so were missing valuable opportunities to identify and make improvements in quality of care. In March 2017, the National Quality Board (NQB) introduced new guidance for NHS providers on how they should learn from the deaths of people in their care.
We are committed to fully implementing the national guidance and have published a “Learning from Deaths” policy which outlines our processes for identifying, reviewing and learning from deaths and the roles and responsibilities for staff involved in that process. This is available by following the link below.
If you have any concerns about the death of a loved one, please contact our Patient Relations Team on the contact details given below.
Telephone: 0118 322 8338
Patient Relations Team
Level 2 Main Entrance
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
London Road
Reading RG1 5AN