Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
144 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:55 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:17 Hours
Average time in the department

Battle Day Unit

Level 2, Battle Block

Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
Berkshire RG1 5AN

Contact details

0118 322 6980

View map

Visiting hours

Opens  8:00am Closes  6:00pm

Visitor limit

1 persons





Patient information leaflets

Battle Day Unit

Battle Day Unit is a nurse-led minor procedure and medical infusion unit for day-case only patients. Our aim is to reduce hospital admission, relieved pressure from the front door and reduce length of stay in hospital.

Patients are referred to the unit from a variety of specialist services. Patients will undergo relevant tests, treatments, infusions and procedures from a team of highly trained nurses. 

The unit consists of chairs, beds, and side rooms in mixed sex bays. Side rooms are reserved for minor procedures.