Adult Day Surgery Unit
Level 3, South Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
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Adult Day Surgery Unit
The Adult Day Surgery Unit (ADSU) specialises in the care of patients having a surgical procedure as a day case across General Surgery, Orthopaedics and Urology. The Unit runs between Mondays and Saturdays each week and closes at 8pm daily.
Within the Adult Day Surgery Unit patients are cared for in single-sex bays. Each single-sex bay has a designated single-sex toilet and a sink adjacent to the bay.
Advice before your surgery
- You must make arrangements to be taken home by car or taxi and accompanied by a responsible adult after your operation. An adult should remain with you for 24-hours, or ideally even 48-hours.
- You must not drive a car or any other vehicle, or operate machinery or appliances such as cookers and kettles, for 48-hours after you have returned home. Anaesthetic drugs can stay in your system and can affect your judgment and reaction.
- On the day of your operation, the person accompanying you should ring the unit to get the estimated time of your discharge. Alternatively, if they are present when you are being admitted, they can ask a nurse for a more exact time then.
- You must have access to a telephone at home in the event you experience problems after you have been discharged.
- You will be advised about taking any regular medication but you should bring any regular prescribed medication, in its original packaging, with you.
- Do not wear any make up or nail polish, or bring any jewellery/valuables with you. Wedding rings are acceptable.
- Please have a bath or shower before you come in.
- We recommend that you bring a dressing gown and slippers as you will be walking to the operating theatre. It is not necessary to bring night clothes.
If for any reason you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know by telephoning the speciality number on your letter.
If you are unwell on the day before your surgery, i.e. if you have a common cold or sore throat, telephone the unit on 0118 322 7622 for advice, as we may not be able to carry out the procedure.