Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
145 People
Number of people in A&E department
2:03 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:51 Hours
Average time in the department

Macmillian Information Centre

The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre is based in the Berkshire Cancer Centre at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. The centre offers support and information to anyone who has concerns about cancer, their relatives, friends and carers.

You may have cancer yourself, care for a friend or relative, work as a health care professional or simply want to know more about cancer.


We can help you with the practical and emotional aspects of living with cancer, from finance and benefits support to travel insurance. We can also help you with information on health promotion, prevention and detection of cancer.

Information is available in different languages on request, and is suitable for people with learning difficulties. We also offer guided access to the internet. We can put you in touch with other groups and organisations that we think will be able to help you, including the Macmillan Benefits Advice Service, the Macmillan Cancer Rehabilitation Team, and local support groups.

We do run an outreach service at other smaller hospitals in Berkshire (Bracknell Healthspace and West Berkshire Community Hospital), but only at certain times during the week. Please contact us to find out when we’ll be at a hospital near you.

What do people ask?

  • How can I learn more about the type of cancer I have?
  • Who can I speak to about benefits advice?
  • Do you have information on local and national support groups?
  • How do I go about getting information on travel insurance?
How to find us or get in touch

The service is based in the North block of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, in the Berkshire Cancer Centre, in friendly, confidential and quiet surroundings. If you have any concerns or questions about cancer, you can drop in without an appointment. You don’t need a referral from a doctor or nurse. All discussions are in complete confidence and we welcome anyone who needs our help.

We’re open Monday to Thursday between 9am and 4pm and Friday 9am to 2pm, except bank holidays.

If you cannot visit the Macmillan Information Centre, we have a telephone service 0118 322 8700, with an answer phone. Alternatively email us at: and we can arrange to call you at home or offer you a 'virtual' chat.

Macmillan Cancer Support Newsletters

The Macmillan Information and Support centre produce the quarterly newsletter to provide staff and Cancer support groups across Berkshire with latest news and events. 

If you'd like to join our mailing list or if you have any suggestions, questions or news and events you would like to include in our Newsletter or wish to join our mailing list please contact

Shirley or Hilton on 0118 322 8700 or  email us at:



Macmillan Cancer Support Newsletter - October 2023