Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
144 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:55 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:17 Hours
Average time in the department

Art Exhibitions

In the corridors of Royal Berkshire Hospital, we display various art exhibitions throughout the year. These exhibitions create a changing backdrop to a busy hospital environment giving our patients, visitors and staff something to look at and think about while they are with us.  We aim to improve and enrich the visual environment for our patients, visitors and staff for a positive effect.

Artwork in hospitals can offer a moment of calm, emotional support or hope to those facing a difficult time. Lots of people are anxious when visiting the hospital and studies have shown that art can help us to stay well, aid our recovery from injury or illness, distract us from our worries, as well as lifting our spirits. The practice of decorating hospitals with paintings, sculptures and murals has a long history dating back to the mid twentieth century and we are grateful here at Royal Berkshire Hospital to have a total of 22 art exhibition boards placed at various points throughout our main hospital site. 

Our artwork aims to:

  • Make the hospital a nicer place to visit
  • Help people get through some very difficult times
  • Build links with our communities and art organisations
  • Generate funds for our hospital through the sale of art

Artists can exhibit for free throughout the year and all we ask is that a donation of 25% of any sales are made to the Voluntary Services Fund. This fund is used for patient experience projects so that we can continually improve the patient experience. Artists are normally booked at around autumn time for the following year however, if you are interested in exhibiting, then please get in touch at any time during the year to find out more.

If you would like to get involved in any art exhibitions including sculptures, murals or donations, please get in touch at: