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Rolling out stop smoking support to all inpatients at the Trust

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Clinicians at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust have recently expanded their support to patients staying with them who want to stop smoking. Now, any inpatient, in any ward, at any of the Trust’s sites will be offered, and able to request support including counselling from a Tobacco Dependency Advisor. 

They have so far supported more than 150 patients to stop, with more than three-quarters taking up the offer of Nicotine Replacement Therapy during their stay, and to take home with them afterwards.  

Dr Sabrina Black, Respiratory Consultant said, “We know that quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. And we also know it’s not an easy thing to do – especially if you are in an unfamiliar, and stressful environment like a hospital, away from the support network you may have at home to help you quit.”  

“I’m really pleased that we’re now able to make sure that any patient staying with us who smokes, will have support – both in terms of conversation, and also Nicotine Replacement Therapy to help them start their journey to being smoke-free, and all the health benefits that brings with it.”  

Each year smoking costs the NHS more than £2 billion, and causes 80,000 deaths. Two-thirds of people who smoke want to stop, and people who used Nicotine Replacement Therapy are twice as likely to succeed that going it alone. This scheme has been made possible by support from the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire Integrated Care Board, as part of their work on preventative health interventions.  

The Trust also have a ‘Waiting Well’ service, which supports people waiting for operations and procedures to improve their overall health during that time, including by stopping smoking, or reducing their alcohol consumption. And the Maternity Department at the Trust also offer tailored support to pregnant women.  

Katie Prichard-Thomas, Chief Nursing Officer at the Trust said, “Investing in this support for our patients is so important. We’ve had patients staying with us who have smoked for decades, and after meeting with a member of staff, and getting nicotine replacement therapy, are still smoke-free now they’re back at home. No matter how long you’ve smoked for, stopping is such a positive step for you and those around you.” 

“And we’ve also extended this type of support to our own staff too, running monthly face-to-face sessions for them to come along to and start on their own journey, helping them to fit looking after their own health alongside caring for our patients. It’s Stoptober this month, so there’s never been a better time to stop.”