Number of people in A&E department
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
Average time in the department
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Vascular Surgery
Our Vascular Surgery Unit delivers all aspects of arterial and venous care. Clinics are available in Reading, Newbury and Bracknell, surgery is split over two sites between the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading to promote a joint centre of excellence.
We work very closely with the interventional radiologists across both sites to provide a comprehensive multi-disciplinary angioplasty service, to save limbs, and a joint service in Oxford to provide life saving major procedures.
- Clinics for new and follow up patients are held at Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, West Berkshire Community Hospital, Newbury and Bracknell Healthspace
- Minor surgery at Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading and major surgery at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
- Nurse led aortic aneurysm screening
- Surveillance service for aneurysm and bypass graft patients
- Joint diabetic foot service