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2:35 Hours
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More Family Bays for Trust's Maternity Wards

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The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust are delighted to be able to extend the number of Family Bays on their postnatal wards which allows one supportive birth partner to stay overnight after their baby is born.

Family Bays were initially launched as a pilot scheme but due to the success the number of Family Bays has now been rolled out further to include support for mums staying after a caesarean. The new bays are now located on Marsh Ward, as well as Iffley postnatal ward.

The Family Bays have been well received by new mums as it means they can get emotional and physical support from their birth partner while staying overnight in hospital, alongside the care from their Midwife and Maternity Nurse.

Daniel and Izabela who had their third baby, born by caesarean at the Trust said, ‘It’s a very special time to be together with my baby and the family bay means I can give support to my partner while she rests from having a caesarean. The reclining chairs are very comfortable and I am very grateful to have been able to stay here.’

There are now 14 Family Bay bed spaces available on the postnatal wards at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Sophie Mackenzie, Marsh Ward Manager says, ‘The Family Bays make a huge difference to our patients after having their baby. We have received so much positive feedback from our families having the support of their birth partner with them overnight. I also want to give a thank you to the Royal Berks Charity for helping to fund the reclining chairs making this possible.’

For more information on the maternity Family Bays please visit our website