Fast Track Patient Pathway
Explains each step of your journey as a ‘fast track’ patient of the Macular Service – from initial referral to treatment
Read moreExplains each step of your journey as a ‘fast track’ patient of the Macular Service – from initial referral to treatment
Read moreGives information and advice on how to manage fatigue in order to take part in everyday activities following a diagnosis of cancer
Read moreInformation for parents / carers of children fitting due to a raised temperature - explains what a febrile convulsion is, how it is treated and any likely after effects
Read moreInformation on the condition called ankyloglossia or tongue tie which affects some babies and leads to latching problems when breast feeding.
Read moreThis leaflet is for the parents and carers of babies born weighing less than 2kg and gives advice on feeding / supplements once your baby goes home.
Read moreThis leaflet is designed for women that have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) and provides information and support on what to expect during pregnancy to ensure the safety of you and your baby.
Read moreThis link takes you to the NHS.UK website for further information if you are considering a permanent method of family planning/birth control.
Read moreExplains an operation to surgically remove the narrowing or blockage within an artery
Read moreExplains an operation to bypass a blocked portion of an artery in the leg using a piece of another blood vessel.
Read moreAdvice about an operation to bypass the blocked arteries in your pelvis that supply your leg, so that the blood supply is improved
Read moreYour baby has been found to have more fluid in its kidneys than expected. This leaflet will explain what this means for you and your baby.
Read moreInformation about a fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES)
Read moreOutlines what financial support is available for patients with a cancer diagnosis
Read moreLooking after yourself and your wound following an FNA where we took some tissue samples to find out what is wrong
Read moreExercises to improve strength and movement of a child's hand
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