Number of people in A&E department
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
Average time in the department

Reachdeck accessibility and translation toolbar
The Reachdeck tool translates our website and patient leaflets (while you're viewing the leaflets online) into 100 languages and adds accessibility support such as:
- text-to-speech functionality
- text magnification to enlarge text and read it aloud
- screen masking to allow neurodiverse audiences to reduce distractions, by reading one passage at a time
- a webpage simplifier to reduce sensory stimulation for people with Autism
- a picture dictionary to display word meaning through illustration
Reachdeck is available in the top right hand corner of the website. Click on the red 'stickman' icon to open the Reachdeck toolbar:
For more information, please watch Reachdeck’s short demonstration video (opens a new browser tab)

Click on this icon in the top right hand corner of the website to open the Reachdeck toolbar