Erb's Palsy
Explains exercises you should do with your baby diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy to help correct this condition
Read moreExplains exercises you should do with your baby diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy to help correct this condition
Read moreExercises to improve strength and movement of a child's hand
Read moreStretches for children who have had serial casting and are required to do exercises as advised by their physiotherapist or orthotist
Read moreInformation for patients and carers who want to claim back costs for transport to hospital appointments
Read moreDietary advice to the parents and carers of children who need extra help to meet their nutritional needs.
Read moreHow to see your health records – accessing information held by the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Read moreWhy the NHS collects information about you and how it is used, how we keep your personal information confidential and your right to see your health records and choose how your personal information is used
Read moreExercises for strengthening your child’s legs, arms and core muscles to help support their hypermobile joints
Read moreExercises for strengthening your child’s legs, arms and core muscles to help support their hypermobile joints
Read moreFor parents and carers of babies with a milk allergy - outlines how to wean your child onto solid food while maintaining a milk fee diet
Read moreAdvice for families whose child has demonstrated in an Oral Food Challenge that they are no longer allergic to the food / milk that they were challenged to
Read moreUseful information on suitable activities to keep children with Perthes active and flexible
Read moreUseful information for parents and carers on Perthes disease (hip disorder), and how your child may be affected and the condition managed
Read moreUseful information on suitable activities to keep children with Perthes active, and their muscles strong and flexible.
Read moreAn overview of calf muscle stretch exercises that can be done after a plaster cast has been removed and plaster cast care for children and young people with neurological conditions
Read moreInstructions explain how to safely remove a cannula used to give your child medication or fluids
Read moreGuide for parents and carers written in co-production with three parent/carer forums in the west of Berkshire
Read moreExplains what to expect when you bring your child in to the Plaster Room for serial casting to treat tiptoe walking
Read moreFor parents of children who walk on their toes - explains what it is, why children do it and what treatments are available
Read moreFor young people with a learning disability and parents /carers - explains process for moving from paediatric to adult services and the change of services supporting you
Read more