Accessible Information Standard & Reasonable Adjustments
The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) is a mandatory ‘information standard’ for all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care.
Reasonable adjustments are a legal requirement to make sure health services are accessible to all disabled people.
The AIS aims to ensure that people who have a disability or sensory loss receive information that they can access and understand, for example in large print, braille or via email, and professional communication support if they need it, for example from a British Sign Language interpreter.
A Reasonable Adjustments Flag is a code that is added to your electronic health record with your consent, to indicate what the physical or sensory disability is and what your communication need is.
Please let the hospital department know if you have a disability, impairment or sensory loss, and the kind of information and communication support that you need. This will be noted on your health records and will help us prepare for the next time you use our services.
More information on the Accessible Information Standard: